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  1. dubnut71

    123mm spindle and 68mm shell BB

    Cheers Jonny - I am getting the frame / BB back from the garage tomorrow so will see wha the condition of the bearings / spindle cup is. Sealed unit might be the way forward I suppose, I was just a bit disappointed I couldn't keep it original.
  2. dubnut71

    123mm spindle and 68mm shell BB

    I would settle for even the bearings but am at a loss for a supplier even after a concerted ebay hunt.
  3. dubnut71

    123mm spindle and 68mm shell BB

    Ok so now the Puch is in bits I am looking around for a Bottom Bracket for the frame. I have measured it at 123mm spindle and 68mm shell, any ideas as to a source for one of these? I am holding off refinishing the frame and re-threading the cottered crank arms for new pedals until I can lay...
  4. dubnut71

    Not as cool as your average retro bike! - 1980 Puch content

    I know thats the plan!! Thanks for the heads up on the terminology, cup and axle, I'll go and look for that!!!, single speed is the way to go, I presume I'll need a screw on single cog / freewheel arrangement?
  5. dubnut71

    Not as cool as your average retro bike! - 1980 Puch content

    I have also bought a 25mm seat post on ebay and found its actually 25.4mm I think I need, does that sound more feasible? The 25mm one may get the distance test across the field at the back of the house unless anyone on here needs one?!
  6. dubnut71

    Not as cool as your average retro bike! - 1980 Puch content

    Ok, you might ask yourself why bother when you see the pics but here goes! This was my first ever "real" bike. I rode it to secondary school, rode it with my mates and rode it to go fishing where we drank sneaky cans of kestrel and smoked consult fags (the joy of being 16!) Moving back to...
  7. dubnut71

    BSA Wayfarer turns orange Path Racer

    I think this is simply spot on! Love the brooks, suits it in that colour and a lovely end result, well done!!!
  8. dubnut71

    Roberts 1994 Argos Respray Frame & Record Titanium Group

    Absolutely stunning end result, well done!!!
  9. dubnut71

    Where is everyone?

    I am based just outside Inverness (easterton) feel free to stick me on the map if it helps anyone meeting up for a ride?
  10. dubnut71

    Rusted frame

    Just what I wanted to know too, I am leaving the paint original on mine and will just spot repair under the down tube using this method!
  11. dubnut71

    Restoring Leather Saddles - What's Your Preferred Method?

    As Stedlocks says above, I have done exactly the same on my ancient B15 with proof ride, a warm airing cupboard for storage and repeat every day, it soaks in after a few days and you just keep on applying, really brings it back a treat!!!
  12. dubnut71

    Beautiful components...

    Is it wrong to like these? I think they have a certain something!!!!