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  1. R

    Single-speed Montage or boring commuter bike?

    Well, I managed to change it to the cassette remover tool but this doesn't fit either! Is there a 3rd possibility? Here's a few pictures of the hub and the remover tool: I thought removing the cassette would be the easy bit!
  2. R

    Single-speed Montage or boring commuter bike?

    Started the project (by that I mean I've started removing stuff) and I've hit my first snag. I need to remove the cassette and, along with a chain whip, I also need tool to unlock the cassette with a tool. From what I understand, I need either a freewheel or a cassete tool (the two examples...
  3. R

    Single-speed Montage or boring commuter bike?

    Ha ha! It's getting older that's the problem. I'm not 16 anymore and I haven't even been tempted to try a wheelie or endo yet.
  4. R

    Single-speed Montage or boring commuter bike?

    Thanks once again for the responses. I have to admit, I'm pretty emotionally attached to the old Montage and would like to keep it going. Also, although my knowledge of bikes is fairly limited, I think it's still in pretty good nick apart from a few rusty parts (which I can replace) and the...
  5. R

    Single-speed Montage or boring commuter bike?

    Well, after a few days of experimenting with different gear ratios, the chain broke again! I think I've found a setting I'm happy with but now I'm starting to have doubts… I'm confident a single-speed would be fine for my commute, but I've started to take the bike out at lunch time and in the...
  6. R

    Single-speed Montage or boring commuter bike?

    I will get a new chain but my thinking is to give it a few days to find a single gear ratio/speed I'm happy with. Then I'll get the chain along with whatever else I need to convert the bike. I've cycled TO work easily enough but hope it last's long enough to get me home!
  7. R

    Single-speed Montage or boring commuter bike?

    There was a stiff link (it's the one I had to attache and now realise that I bent it a little!). I decided to clean it, and oil it. It's still 'jumps' on hard pedalling but it's better; hopefully enough for testing comfortable ratios. Thanks for the advice!
  8. R

    Single-speed Montage or boring commuter bike?

    Thanks again for the info, it's all 're going to be very useful. @unkleGsif The chain wasn't skipping before (although it wasn't exactly running smooth). I'll try cleaning it up and see what difference it makes. @Jussa Thanks for digging! My cassette is a 7 speed and although it's...
  9. R

    Single-speed Montage or boring commuter bike?

    Thanks for the replies. I'm going to give it a shot as it sounds like I've got nothing to lose! @ishaw Great advice about test the ratio. The only problem is that I fear I won't be able to give the single speed a decent test because as soon as I apply pressure to the pedals to get up an...
  10. R

    Single-speed Montage or boring commuter bike?

    I've been looking at bikes recently for my commute to work and thought that rather than buy a new one I'd see what I could do with my old Raleigh Montage. As my commute is short and mainly roads/paths, I was thinking about converting it to single-speed one day (mainly due to simplicity of...
  11. R

    And today I did......

    Sorry, this is the image:
  12. R

    And today I did......

    Montage Was looking to get a commuter bike but thought I'd dig out my old Montage first and see if that'd do. As you can see from the picture, the saddle needs putting down but everything else about it feels pretty good. What do you think, worth trying to mod slightly to use as a...