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    Tandem drag brake

    Thanks for the input. I think I'll give the gear cable ago as drum brakes are self energizing, cable load should be relatively low. It's got to be better than trying to adjust front and rear brakes on one lever. Cheers Andy
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    Tandem drag brake

    Hi just thought I would pick a few brains. I have a Motobecane tandem with cantilever brakes worked from one lever which I find heavy to use ( twice the spring pressure to overcome ) and difficult to set up, the left hand lever working a rear drum. Sheldon suggests using a friction gear lever...
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    Dave Yates Frame Building Course

    Fab love the colour.
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    Dave Yates Frame Building Course

    Re: Wow, just spent the afternoon looking up the price of gas brazing kits etc. Real Walter Mitty fantasy, if only I had the time I'd love to have a go at frame building.