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    Unofficial retrobike allotment thread....

    started digging up the potatoes and the slugs and worms have had great fun munching there way through them
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    15th September - Glencoe Camp and ride out.

    new stem found and bought so i can come now. a big thanks to everyone that offered to help
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    Blu-ray vs DVD

    we have a sony upscaler surround sound but when i want to watch blurays i use the computer and run it thru the tv and surround sound
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    Blu-ray vs DVD

    it also depends if you have surround sound already if you have and your cables are on the walls you might need to repaint if you get a new system as for a recomendation id go with the same make as your tv. unless you want to spend the big bucks on a really good system
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    Blu-ray vs DVD

    if you have a lot of dvds try a dvd upscaler it gives you almost hd quality but bluray is worth the money if you watch a lot of films
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    15th September - Glencoe Camp and ride out.

    the steerers about 40mm shorter than the forks i took off so i only have about 30mm to get a stem onto
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    15th September - Glencoe Camp and ride out.

    how much longer should the stem be than the steerer so it clamps up properly? if you have anything that would be great dont really want to miss out on a fun weekend because of something so stupid
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    15th September - Glencoe Camp and ride out.

    1 1/8steerer 25.4mm bars not bothered about rise or length
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    15th September - Glencoe Camp and ride out.

    thinking about these Suntour XCR LO 100 there cheap but get my bike rebuilt
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    15th September - Glencoe Camp and ride out.

    need one with a 30mm stack hight crc had them but are sold out
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    15th September - Glencoe Camp and ride out.

    not sure if im going to make it cant find a stem for my bike to fit the new forks and not sure the mv would handle it
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    best tip/skip/cheap cheap find?

    seen lots but not allowed to touch against health and saftey i was told
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    1989 Diamondback Axis XT

    looks a great find
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    15th September - Glencoe Camp and ride out.

    cool im going to be up there from friday night might just use the red squirrel site for both nights saves taking tent down is there a chucking out time for that site?
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    15th September - Glencoe Camp and ride out.

    did the campsite get decided yet
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    Missing cat - I'm gutted - FOUND HIM

    glad you got him back. one of our cats ran away 23rd december last year and got her back may this year we thought she was dead but found out she was sleeping in a shed and getting fed by people 8 doors up our street
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    post your broadband speed...

    had aol 3.0 think it was my firsy ever dial up internet in 1998
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    Have my forks had it?

    found the extension bits going to get them on the upside the forks are a perfect length for my other bike
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    post your broadband speed...

    used to have sky unlimited and got between 2 and 3 meg switched to virgin and now got a bit faster
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    are these safe for a few months use

    thats good to hear i read some very different reviews about it its a lot easyer that tring to find a stem thats 20mm high