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  1. silverclaws

    Whiskey ?

    Acid, that used to be instant dismissal if one had admitted they think they had been spiked with it in the Armed Forces and I understand for very good reason given one incident that was used to scare us regarding a live armed guard and a psychotic flashback. But what would explain an ex drug...
  2. silverclaws

    Whiskey ?

    Not Skunk ? Well the vendor when he saw the state of my ex was insistant I give her vitamin C, which I did and that improved matters, but the police got to know quite a lot about the vendor because it was revealed he did it for a laugh along with my ex step son. I never found out what that stuff...
  3. silverclaws

    Hot palm on Macbook Pro

    Macbook Pro 13 inch year 2010 model with the aluminium unibody, to the left of the track pad gets quite hot just browsing the net and especially so when writing replies to threads and sometimes the fans kick in and really go for it full bore in to attempt to cool it down, but going on blog...
  4. silverclaws


    I am just interested if you are also aware of G4S and it's vision of your future, where it is saying the future of the police is a government contractor. And this given the severe reduction of your numbers over the next three years in the society that we have now, a dog eat dog society...
  5. silverclaws

    Whiskey ?

    Skunk I think I had that once, well at least I think it was skunk, I saw dragons living in caves in mountains up above the cloud base. The ex saw demons and ended up chucking up all over the new carpet where I was totally fine and she was an ex user of all sorts. That was the last time I had...
  6. silverclaws

    Whiskey ?

    Why is it one drinks beer and they know their limit because beer lets you know, but with whiskey things are very different, that insidious spirit has a delayed reaction, good to drink and one is okay, but much later after the drink has gone away the legless appears as if by magic. Now I don't...
  7. silverclaws

    Anyone missing the football?? (maybe NSFW!)

    What football, England lost didn't they ?
  8. silverclaws

    Who would you be, if you could be anybody?

    In front of a mirror of course ?
  9. silverclaws


    Here, what is it the coppers call the PCSO's, I heard they had a rather humorous but in a very British way derogatory version of what PCSO stands for, am I correct and if so could you enlighten us, as I have forgotten. And for the PCSO'S here, you have to laugh at yourself, it makes life...
  10. silverclaws

    Wtd air rifle trade for bike parts

    Rifle, I discovered recently one could get hold of a Fal L1A1 for about 500.
  11. silverclaws

    Aviation fans! A nice F-16 video

    Avionics training, although I started as an Air Radar Tech, as I was an RAF AVTech, and ended up specialising in flight systems, as I enjoyed the electro mechanical and clockwork mechanisms in that part of the trade and for the fact I did not get on with working inside a faraday cage for weeks...
  12. silverclaws

    Aviation fans! A nice F-16 video

    Two pirate ships sailing alongside each other, and one pirate captain on one ship shouts to the other; '' Where's your Buccanears ?'' The other captain shouts back; '' On my Buccanhead !''
  13. silverclaws

    The Weather

    And some retro stupidity concerning our national subject of interest ;
  14. silverclaws

    Peugeot 106 Zest ECU?

    Where is it and how easy is it to fit a replacement and is there any special considerations when fitting ? I got a job to do in return for a couple of days holiday in France.
  15. silverclaws

    Thinking outside of the box

    Anyhow, how is that rear derailleur working, or is it the chain is sawing it's way through it ?
  16. silverclaws

    what would you do if your boss still hasn't paid you

    That does not sound good and a sure fire indication your work is experiencing financial problems, but a contract is a contract, I believe your employer is legally obliged to pay you for the work done under contract. Get thee to the CAB asap and start battening down the hatches, the writing is...
  17. silverclaws


    Chopper 1192 being our very own copper, perhaps you would have a go at answering some questions that come to mind before I reach for the tin foil ? I understand today a figure of 5,800 front line police are going to be shed in the next three years, this will of course have to have a major...
  18. silverclaws

    A word to be aware of.

    Just be aware of the company name mentioned in the link, as it may be we are going to be seeing a lot of this word in the near future, particularly where insurance is concerned. Why ? Because ; ... eck-havoc/ And if you are really interested...