
Chopper 1192 being our very own copper, perhaps you would have a go at answering some questions that come to mind before I reach for the tin foil ?

I understand today a figure of 5,800 front line police are going to be shed in the next three years, this will of course have to have a major impact on policing in the UK and with the recent suggestion made in the news that the police themselves expect to see more rioting this year and that combined with what the government is exacting on a certain category of society, do you think it is likely in the long term or even the short term that in times of unrest government security contractors will be on our streets, and if so do you think it likely they will not adhere to the laws set down for police to operate under ?
Chopper 1192 being our very own copper

This demands a vote for a banner for chopper :D

As there is at least another member of your club on here Chopper, i pose this question.

Have you been in secret contact him/them, and have compared notes ? :shock:
I'm sure it'll inevitably happen. Hard to say but I think if the labour givt had remained we'd be seeing it all the sooner, as they gave us PCSOs, Accredited Persons etc, so had already started down the route of giving limited powers to un-sworn personnel.
Here, what is it the coppers call the PCSO's, I heard they had a rather humorous but in a very British way derogatory version of what PCSO stands for, am I correct and if so could you enlighten us, as I have forgotten.

And for the PCSO'S here, you have to laugh at yourself, it makes life easier.

But I have to report and I am not blowing smoke up anyones... following the theft and return of my GT I am wholly impressed with the police down here, as yes fine they did not actually do anything, but they were very supportive and interested in what I had been supplied regarding the thief, a person that was not at that point on their radar.

I signed for something called restorative justice and the copper assured me it had been done, the thief was in remorse and especially so as his card had now been marked and I understand from that point onward he must be on his best behaviour as I understand he is now on the radar.

People who supplied the information to me have reported to me he has been a bad lad, but up to that point no police were involved and he was spiralling down quite rapidly, so perhaps this whole issue has done him a favour, I would like to think so.

As to my GT, I have not been out on it since.
silverclaws":mzuzlb32 said:
Here, what is it the coppers call them...?
Believe ot or not we just call them "PCSO's". There are some twots, but in the main most bobbies are intelligent enough to seperate the flawed concept of PCSO's from the generally honest and willing people that do the job.

The public have the usual names for them - plastic police, asthma police, all the usual highly imaginative names etc.

Usually the culture of name-tagging doesn't spread outside the Met, who call coppers from any other part of the world "carrots", as in carrot crunchers. You could be chief of police for New York, but transfer to the met and you will forever be a Carrot because you never went through hendon. You could be a colnel in the sAS, but join Kent police you'd be a Carrot.

Nice to know Met bobbies are so honest and superior. Oh, hang on...
Cuppa coppers. .. Used by plod in Essex, parts of Wales and Sheffield. Maybe more but those I know.
Cuppa coppers. .. Used by plod in Essex, parts of Wales and Sheffield. Maybe more but those I know.
I am just interested if you are also aware of G4S and it's vision of your future, where it is saying the future of the police is a government contractor.

And this given the severe reduction of your numbers over the next three years in the society that we have now, a dog eat dog society, tensions will flare and the police lacking the numbers and ability to deal with the situation, opens the doors to private contractors and what they can get away with to prove the police force is redundant.