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  1. JeffGothro

    crap bikes - discuss...

    Zaskars have been voted as one of the greatest hard tails of all time...jus sayin.
  2. JeffGothro

    Buyer beware - told seller not a Zaskar

    Found an 18" (my size) Zaskar on ebay, not sure year, if original decals late 90's my best guess, only its NOT a Zaskar, sent seller an email through ebay about two days ago informing the seller that that was in fact not a Zaskar, but seller hasnt changed his ad or responded to my email. 2h...
  3. JeffGothro

    please don't steal my bicycle thanks

    I havent seen that, will look into it.
  4. JeffGothro

    please don't steal my bicycle thanks

    I thought they were cool and cute, so I bought three of them. ... 1423.l2649
  5. JeffGothro

    I see bike companys do the same thing in there advertisments

    I got a wild hair up my butt and thought I might like to take up archery/bow hunting, well, to be honest, I dont know the first thing about the bow other than it shoots arrows and I've only used cheap 20$ play/practice bows. So, I went to a site about choosing a good compound bow for the new...
  6. JeffGothro

    Craigslist deals too good to pass up....

    Ever see any craigslist deals to good to pass up? Tell about your incredible deals you have seen. Makes me wonder if it was stolen, and the only reason besides the one just stated I didnt buy it was I didnt have the cash at that moment, it was a 14-16 inch frame (to small for me, but would...
  7. JeffGothro

    1992 GT Zaskar or 1990 Avalanche

    I wouldnt choose either, I prefer the True Temper frames of those years.
  8. JeffGothro

    GT Talera, my new project (need some help).

    *FACEPALM* Just saw this on my craigslist today. Either your a scammer, or just stupid!
  9. JeffGothro

    Ever notice... (steel isn't real anymore)

    I went into a shop a few years ago (a couple shops actually), and there wasnt a steel bike to be had anywhere on the shops floor. Everything is aluminum and carbon - I guess you have to resort to custom frame builders alot now if you want steel. So sad, I love steel, and you wonder why I hardly...
  10. JeffGothro

    Anyone know where I can get something like this ? ... hwodykgA9g
  11. JeffGothro

    I blogged about my bike "A legend is re-born..."

    I dont blog much, if at all, I guess I got a wild hair up my arse...lolz This was originally posted on a non-bike-related site in a blog. I've been a bicycle mechanic for a number of years, just over 37 years to be exact, and I've had my fare share of lower budgeted entry level bicycles...
  12. JeffGothro

    GT Talera, my new project (need some help).

    I thought you could file a non-payment claim? They are supposed to pay and if they dont it counts a strike on there account, three strikes your out.
  13. JeffGothro

    The Glory That Is GT Titanium

    Yep, same brakes I want on my build (wouldnt mind the cranks either [or a vintage set of Cooks Bros].) Nice Xizang.
  14. JeffGothro

    2001 Orange Mr O

    I really like these, they just look so beefy and heavy - almost unbrakable.
  15. JeffGothro

    GT Talera, my new project (need some help).

    I was gonna swear it was a 90 or 91, but thats what I love about you GM1230126, is there anything about GT's you DONT know...lolz? By the way, I saw that Lightning you just sold...FREEKIN CLEAN, looked almost good as NOS. One more thing, I'm building my dream garage, I have two of the...
  16. JeffGothro

    1995 GT Tequesta Seatpost Issue...

    Its probably a 26.4, I have a GT Richter 8.0 with a 26.4 steapost. (other GT seatpost sizes [that I know of] 27.0, 27.2)
  17. JeffGothro

    almost 40

    My fastest is around 50pmh give or take a mile or two, and it was down a freeway hill on a MTB (and believe me, I had to pedal my a$$ off).
  18. JeffGothro

    Campagnolo MTB hubs

    Photos would be nice?
  19. JeffGothro

    37 Years ago today...What a long strange trip it's been.

    Sorry, no photos, if there are my parents have them. And I actually started out on 3 wheels [tricycle] (before I got a bike), then 4 wheels on my bike (if you count the training wheels). It wasnt long before the training wheels came off.