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  1. W

    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    @Woz managed to adjust the derailleur as per instructions on the link you sent. And now the chain beds onto the largest gear nicely. The gear levers are still quite tight to move but they seem to be working mostly ☺️ A bit of a foam spray cleaner l, followed by t-cut, followed by a shine and...
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    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    Just to add a little bit of history my wife remembered she had this sewn to her brownies blanket from her youth that her grandad gave to her to add to her badges.
  3. W

    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    Great spot @Woz I'll give it a go tomorrow hopefully, then a final clean and polish will be in order before taking her out for a well deserved ride. Unlike the wife's grandad I'll avidly avoid any hill climbs though my lungs are shocking 🤣
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    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    Thanks @Guinessisgoodforyou yourself and @Woz have been invaluable with your help and advice. It's been hugely appreciated
  5. W

    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    Well managed to have another little look after dinner, at it appears the local bike place I took it to just didn't put the levers back correctly. The pin that acts as the stopper was facing outwards rather than fixed between the various plates (as now shown) the levers once again move...
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    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    Not to worry @Guinessisgoodforyou knew it would be a difficult one to both describe and know about without seeing it in person.
  7. W

    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    The huret tour de France does state the dual lever can be used for front derailleur too. So the setup seems fine. It's just that the both levers seem to be moving together when they should move independently. The front housing moves with the levers too.
  8. W

    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    Little update, brake and gear cables have all been changed (ended up getting some help for the gear cables) and the bike is technically rideable. Although the one thing at the moment is the huret gear levers seem to have an issue where if you push or pull them the whole mechanism seems to move...
  9. W

    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    Seems in amongst the old removed freewheel I had a spacer to use, so thankfully that has resolved the issue. Thanks @Guinessisgoodforyou you've been keeping me fairly sane through this process lol
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    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    Thanks @Guinessisgoodforyou that is hugely appreciated quick response. And thank you for making it the simple solution I was hoping for lol
  11. W

    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    Okay, just as one thing is solved anothe thing is found. It appears as though when the freewheel is tightened onto the hub, the freewheel seems to bind against the spokes meaning it no longer spins freely. I am assuming the freewheel should be tight up against the hub as once breaking is...
  12. W

    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    Mini update, new spokes arrived and I have now fit them onto the wheel in the same manner as the regular spokes, I'll have to check the tension and truing of the wheel once I have got the freewheel on, the spacer and checked that it's all fitting as it should 😊
  13. W

    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    Thanks for the advice/tips @Woz . I'll try to assess the workload a bit more and check out the forum link you added. I'll see if I can do the brake cables initially and then check if I'll need to get someone more knowledgeable to do the gear cables etc.
  14. W

    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    I assume the only nipple ends are usually fairly exposed, as such the only one I could easily see was as per the blue circled photo. Everything else looks/appears to be just a clamped wire end? Not sure where the second lever cable terminates either, I assume it's within the lever mechanism?
  15. W

    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    Ok next newbie question. If I was wanting to replace the cables for the brakes and gears, is there anything in particular I need to look for to know what to buy as a replacement? Some of the cable housings are very brittle and cracked, and the crimped ends are loose from the cable itself etc. So...
  16. W

    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    Whilst awaiting the spokes to arrive thought I'd at least try and give the hub a bit of a scrub, and attempted to do a first try of a handlebar wrap. I opted for a cork wrap currently due to price of leather wraps, I can always swap them out as and when I complete/have used the bike. Only had a...
  17. W

    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    Could you kindly provide a link to the correct cycle clinic website? Then I can have a look a see what I can get ☺️. Regarding the potential need to add a spacer the to f/w side axle due to the locking nut being recessed slightly into the freewheel. I did a quick measure of the approximate...
  18. W

    Claud Butler - Carpenter - Vintage Bike - Wheel Help

    Cheers @Woz managed to take one typical spoke out to measure, from the inner arch to the end of thread measuring 305mm. Didn't seem too hard to remove and replace the spoke. So I'll try find a supplier with right size order some spares and give it a go, I've got nothing to lose really. On the...