Recent content by manac

  1. M

    Show us your disc modded retro

    Barney 1992 Diamondback Override Kanard 700x41’s SLX 1x12 36T oval chainring MT200 brakes CF Surly Corner handlebar
  2. M

    Cracked Ibis Szazbo: what's the prognosis?

    If that is a crack it isn’t in the direction of stress on the part. I’d ride it and keep an eye on it.
  3. M

    What is the maximum tooth sprocket you could fit on the back using a Deore DX rear derailleur?

    How? I’ve posted earlier on this thread of how I’m running a 40 tooth cog successfully. I’ve been having the same issues to a degree, and an extension helped me.
  4. M

    What is the maximum tooth sprocket you could fit on the back using a Deore DX rear derailleur?

    11-40 with an ‘95 LX On my ride today I played around with her. Going up a short steep section I normally do in 22/27 (equivalent to the original gearing) I used 11/40. Worked great. Tonight on the stand I heard some noise. I have the B screw all the way in and it’s marginal. I had bought...
  5. M

    What is the maximum tooth sprocket you could fit on the back using a Deore DX rear derailleur?

    Rode the bike yesterday. Can’t use the lowest two gears with the 32 and 42 chainrings. Don’t really need to though, see the chart. Running 700x41’s I normally don’t need the 14 and 18 gear inch but any ride from my house has a mile of 20% grade to get home.
  6. M

    What is the maximum tooth sprocket you could fit on the back using a Deore DX rear derailleur?

    I have a 1995 Trek 950 that came with 22/32/42, 11-28 8 sp LX derailleur. Put an 11-40 and it works well. Can’t cross chain down low even from the middle chainring. Lowest two gears only work on the 22 chainring but it’s not a problem. I’ve ordered a derailleur hanger extension to see if it...
  7. M

    Alpinestars Kross vs Xross

    1990 catalog lists the Xross but the image shows Kross. What the what? Any difference? Can anybody point me to a component list for the Alpinestars? Thanks
  8. M

    1993 Trek 970 What to do?

    Be glad to. Do you need images of the small decals too? It will be hard to get a strait on shot of them. Do you need a scale in the image for the size? Who are you going to use for the decals, or are you going to make them? I have a 950 I’m finishing up the mechanicals on and will paint this...
  9. M

    1993 Trek 970 What to do?

    She’s a hoot to ride! Put 20 miles on her (probably the most she has ever been ridden) with no issues. Really like the bike with the Panaracers on it.
  10. M

    1993 Trek 970 What to do?

    Thanks, ordered some XT V brakes, they should look a little better. I’ll post some pictures when she’s an 8 speed and done up right.
  11. M

    1993 Trek 970 What to do?

    Found a nice 970 last week. The good, low miles, luged steel frame, 1-1/8” threadless, cool bike. Not so good, Kenda 26x1.95 tires, sponge seat, Orgin8 V brakes, Acera 3x8 shifters and brakes. I think it came from the LBS like this. I threw a 8 sp wheel set from my 950 on it for the picture...
  12. M

    Ted Wojcik Question

    Went and looked at her today. Very nice bike. Good shape, cosmetically a little rough. Seat tube was 48, top tube 52. Little strange but it’s a custom bike. Wasn’t going to fit me. Owner had recently acquired it and didn’t have any history. I did find out it’s a mid 80’s from a google...
  13. M

    Ted Wojcik Question

    Any idea of the year? Was this one of his semi-production bikes? Thanks in advance