1993 Trek 970 What to do?


Retro Newbie
Found a nice 970 last week.
The good, low miles, luged steel frame, 1-1/8” threadless, cool bike.
Not so good, Kenda 26x1.95 tires, sponge seat, Orgin8 V brakes, Acera 3x8 shifters and brakes.
I think it came from the LBS like this.

I threw a 8 sp wheel set from my 950 on it for the picture.

Have a System 3 saddle, 8 speed free body hub, and XT 3x8 leavers coming.
Should I keep going and make it an 8sp or go back to the canti’s?

IMG_2984.jpeg IMG_2966.webp IMG_2963.webp
It depends. If you keep the lever/shifter combo, I wouldn't bother going back to cantilever. I have no problem with them and most of my bikes have them, but I wouldn't swap v brakes back to cantis.

Since you'll swap the shifters, and if you have nice matching levers, then sure, but then you'll have to find an elegant cable stopper for the front brake.
Thanks, ordered some XT V brakes, they should look a little better. I’ll post some pictures when she’s an 8 speed and done up right.

I have one of these in the attic waiting for restoration (my brothers´ bike - I bought an 8700 then). Could you take some pictures of the decals for me so I can have these reproduced?


Be glad to.
Do you need images of the small decals too?
It will be hard to get a strait on shot of them.
Do you need a scale in the image for the size?

Who are you going to use for the decals, or are you going to make them?
I have a 950 I’m finishing up the mechanicals on and will paint this winter. IMG_3081.webp
Keep the bike as it is , it is a stunner and it becomes very difficult to come by to have one in such pristine and unmolested and original condition. 👍 👏 You can always upgrade later the drive train with XT 8000 by changing hubs and the crank, the front derailleur, the rear derailleur and the shifter as well as the brakes with Avid V brakes . The bike used True Temper AVR or OXP tubing truely one of the best tubing ever made. Enjoy your bike.