Recent content by d8mok

  1. D

    Wanted Cannondale F700 upwards (16 or 18inch)
  2. D

    Wanted Cannondale F700 upwards (16 or 18inch)

    I’ve been thinking of selling my F3000SL frameset. I asked on here what it’s worth but didn’t get any response
  3. D

    GT Xizang Serial number thread

    Yes it’s a 97 It’s been up on FB for a good while (almost a year) I was semi interested in having it but it was slow going waiting for pics from the seller so gave up as I was only gonna clean it up and flip it He bumped it back up last week I saw as he wanted rid
  4. D

    Great news. Ebay drops seller charges!

    You don’t confirm in that case. You can edit them and then confirm. Same as tiktok and Amazon
  5. D

    Great news. Ebay drops seller charges!

    Posted items today with no issues using RM as usual
  6. D

    NOT a Zaskar

    He told me he’s the one that replaced the decals. Can’t seem to grasp that I’m not talking about decals but what the actual frame is. It doesn’t matter much anyway as nobody is buying it at £600 even it was a Zaskar (which it isn’t)
  7. D

    NOT a Zaskar

    I actually messaged him last night to educate him on what a Zaskar is. But it fell on deaf ears
  8. D

    What pads for grey x517s

    if they aren’t the ceramic versions the rim track paint will rub off whatever pads you use. I’d just use standard Shimano ones personally
  9. D

    Bringing a 93 Kilauea back from the dead

    I think I’m going with a 96 Z2 on the Hot (or maybe a P2 )
  10. D

    Bringing a 93 Kilauea back from the dead

    Hit me with any ideas as I’m totally open to most things. I’ve ruled out trying to replicate stars/bars or Rasta purely as it would annoy me if it wasn’t perfect. The issue with Kona is they did such a vast array of colours so it’s hard to make it different. I actually like its current colour...
  11. D

    Bringing a 93 Kilauea back from the dead

    For me on a Kil I’d go single colour My Hot is a 96 but was repainted in 98 so has 98 decals. I’m leaning towards a candy red with 96 decals in silver or gold. Do you have a Ku too?
  12. D

    Bringing a 93 Kilauea back from the dead

    I’m probably not the person to advise since I’m 4 months on and still haven’t decided what colour to paint my Hot. Wet paint from a bike painter in that scheme you say will be best part of £500. Single colour powder or ceramic is about £70-100. For my hot which will be a garage queen im...
  13. D

    Bringing a 93 Kilauea back from the dead

    I’d use a dedicated bike painter personally.
  14. D

    Bringing a 93 Kilauea back from the dead

    I don’t think you’d achieve it via powder. It’s come on a long way but that sounds like a wet paint job