Yeah that's around the price my local powder coaters BettaBlast charge, that Explosif was £120 for the F&F's, stem and bars for that special colour,i think i'll leave the expensive bike painter to do the Vulcan when that's ready because that's a no expense spared job for that because it has to be perfect.I’m probably not the person to advise since I’m 4 months on and still haven’t decided what colour to paint my Hot.
Wet paint from a bike painter in that scheme you say will be best part of £500.
Single colour powder or ceramic is about £70-100.
For my hot which will be a garage queen im leaning towards a wet paint single colour candy.
If you plan to use it. I’d go powder in a nice colour. All of my current repaints are in powder and it would pass as paint.
I can understand your dilemma with the Hot because of what it is i'd be the same and taking my time on the colour choice, what year is your Hot from?
Saying you've mentioned the Kona Hot i think i need to update my wanted add for Explosifs and Kilaueas to include the Hot and Hei Hei. They're the two i really need at the Kona sanctuary oh and Steve Peats Kona (Verlicchi) full sus dh race bike to go with his Explosif. I spoke to someone on here ages about it and they said they had the opportunity to buy it one time and in there own words regrettably didn't

My collection will never be complete until i could own that bike,i'd love the Hei Hei he raced on in 94 but saying he still owns it i don't think i'll ever get that chance lol so the next best thing would be the Verlicchi.
Note to anyone reading this,if your reading this and going i've got that bike. Then