Dirt Disciple
Hello! Looking for good-excellent condition Shimano FC-M730 with black chainrings. I accept all crank lengths. Please contact me or comment if you have a one laying around
I am located in Finland. Do you have any pictures?Where are you at? I have one for sale
Luckily I am not looking for black hubs thengood luck with that ... people ask CRAZY money for them now. Even worse with the black hubs ....
I’ll take some tonightI am located in Finland. Do you have any pictures?
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/32645347...6&segname=11021&recoId=326453474202&recoPos=1Still looking if anyone has them! Also send me a message if you have either the black chainrings (sg b/c) or the crank arms. I can also get them separately.
This is mine!https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/326453474202?mkevt=1&mkpid=0&emsid=e11021.m164380.l178264&mkcid=7&ch=osgood&euid=5b2fb34638b947ed882128dea9cd9af0&bu=43142735630&ut=RU&osub=-1~1&crd=20250221080256&segname=11021&recoId=326453474202&recoPos=1
Not a bad price for eBay! Not crazy amount of wear on the teeth either and still plenty of black anodising remaining on the inside faces of the rings where changing gears (via front mech) wears off the anodising remarkably quickly. Don't think this will hang around long