Think you would only be able to run mini-Vs and mudguards with skinny tyres and a very close fitting profile mudguard at that.
I will say, this whole saga of cross compatibility has been a ball ache and a mess. I've tried lots over the years, and there are many variables like canti-stud height, how far they are apart, what width rim you want to use and what tyre. I've used the Tektro linear pull drop-bar levers with normal and mini-Vs and never got along with them - the lever action just felt weird due to where the pivot point is.
The Campagnolo mini-V I believe is just a rebranded Tektro, so nothing special. I have seen some odd modifications to V-brakes using straddle wires or linkages for better clearance

. Also seen some odd modifications to STI levers moving the cable further up, drilling a hole in the lever and using that to bed the pear nipple in from the outside
One thing worth mentioning, Shimano have fiddled with the cable pull ratio on their drop-bar levers. There is SLR, Super SLR and New Super SLR - genius marketing but approaching much more something that could potentially work good enough with a normal V-brake; I've not yet done some comparisons with flat bar levers, measurements and to try this myself.