Can we just agree on what NOS means please!

🤣 true. Doesn't help that my old mg maestro 2 0i used an old sherpa engine.
not unless you'd had an engine swap!

Maestro was 'O' series, Sherpa was 'B' series!

Now if you mean Freight Rover....

....and and and, that O series was in the SD1 and a whole heap of other things so, er, ner
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But they all had the same magic head, called magic because it liked to warp while you stood and watched it.

No fun anymore, these days the driver has to decide where to stop for a picnic instead of the car.
not unless you'd had an engine swap!

Maestro was 'O' series, Sherpa was 'B' series!

Now if you mean Freight Rover....

....and and and, that O series was in the SD1 and a whole heap of other things so, er, ner
OK then, the early mg 1600 maestros used the r series engine, which was basicly the e series maxi engine with a different (vw?) gearbox. Don't make me geek about bl 🤣 . And the marina was basicly a morris minor in a frock. The morris minor was made by bmc......
Which brings us safely back to bikes. Carry on.. 😁
yeah? well I had five SD1's!


I really liked to walk back then
Well I've had 5 maxis. One nearly killed me once. At least 3 of the 5 are dead now.
On the subject of nos. For example, I'm building a custom mtb using parts I like the look of. Basically alloy bits I can polish the wotsit out of. Some of the parts have a shine that is better than new, and function just like a new part. But they're not new, they're restored but not to as new condition.
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