Can we just agree on what NOS means please!

For me, NOS means this: new, old stock. The item is still brand new, but sat on a shelf somewhere long enough to become old. Installed is no longer new, and thus is not NOS. I have a guy. He bought shop or two when they closed in the 90s. His stuff is definitely NOS. 213242-IMG-20221015-081030682.webp 213304-IMG-20221015-113604069.webp 213246-IMG-20221014-162414762.webp 193469-IMG-20220513-154003409-HDR.webp 213243-IMG-20221014-162403022.webp
This casette was NOS. I had him install it on the NOS wheel, instantly turning them into perfect condition but used 193468-IMG-20220513-153952294-HDR.webp 193467-IMG-20220513-153943457-HDR.webp
I didn't really have a point to make here, just showing off some of my nos stuff