
Independent minded. Original. A person with a sense of humor. Somebody who doesn't take himself too seriously. Thats is how Sheldon Brown described himself and all of you familiar with his site will attest to that fact, it's probably how most bike enthusiasts would like to be remembered. Over the years we have all come to rely on Sheldon and his encyclopedia of bike knowledge, the SeatPost chart has saved me much time and effort. So, now he's gone to a place where there are no cars and just miles of endless flowing singletrack weaving among the clouds, wonder if he'll show god how to roll a steel beed tire for tight packing !! Thanks for everything mr Brown...
While on holiday in San Francisco this past October I took the opportunity to visit American Cyclery, one of San Francisco's and America's oldest continuously operating bicycle shops. It was absolutely the bicycle shop I hoped it might be. American Cyclery has a fantastic selection of classically styled road bikes. Their new bike selection clearly represents a belief in the ride quality and durability of steel. Rather than stocking the full range of any given manufacturer they stock only the bikes that illustrate the shop's steel philosophy at the appropriate price points. At the time of my visit their selection began with Raleigh and Bianchi, moved on to Soma and Gunnar and on up to Waterford, with each of the lower-end models...
Here's to 2008 ... The RetroBike crew have a feast of activity lined up for 2008, more competitions, rides, events and the all important socials.. So keep checking the forums and if you have any questions or suggestions PM the Mods !! A big thank you to all of you who have got involved in the site, whether as active riders, keyboard mechanics or just beer buddies with a shared love of 2 wheeled retro machines...this site relies on your enthusiasm and support, we have seen a huge growth in 2007 so lets hope 2008 brings more of the same.. Cheers the boys at RetroBike.co.uk
Alarm wakes me up. No not the alarm that I may have missed that Ti BB that someone posted on retrobike whilst I was asleep, but the alarm on my phone. Get dressed, with a slight twitch as I glance the laptop out of the corner of my eye (something may have been asked that I could answer, or a new tip added). Jump on the modern bike for the ride to the station, almost crash as I imagine I’m on the ’95 S-Works FSR; again! On the train now, with laptop bag, cursing Chiltern Railways for not having wireless on the train, drumming fingers, tapping feet, with the look of an addict who hasn’t had their fix (you know the look)….. Ok, onto the tube, I know there’s nothing I can do until I get in…walk...
Following discussion between the mods and a few recent events we have decided the classified section needs some formal rules. - All adverts to include a price. - Parts must be in owners possesion before offered for sale. - No trade ads. Mail admin@retrobike.co.uk for trade advertising details. - Dibs are non-enforceable and strictly at the sellers discretion. - Abuse of classifieds will result in a temporary ban at the moderators discretion. Two misdenmeanours will result in a permenant ban. - It is preferred that all adverts include full details and a picture.
In recent weeks Retrobike.co.uk has seen a rapid growth in visitors and new forum members. It has coincided with a number of meets and some truly staggering BOTM entries. Clearly the Retro movement is gaining momentum and we at RetroBike towers are thrilled to see it !! Now our holidays are over we will be bringing you some new member profiles, exciting BOTM ideas, the first POTM competition and Jezzas new Tip of the Month initiative (which has already helped me out !!!) The next official RetroBike meet is in the diary, scheduled for 13/14th October and Neil (Mr K) has already put in some great work to ensure this will be a top event (see the 'meet' forum). So make sure you have a pass, or better still bring your other half with you ...
What better way of ensuring the survival of the creed we all love than by sporting some of the fabulous merchandise available. The RetroBike crew have commissioned some of the top designers to create a unique set of apparel that will stand you out from the crowd and help spread the message. Along with the awesome racing jerseys which were worn by all those in attendance at Mountain Mayhem there are casuals T’s and Freeride jerseys for those who prefer a less figure hugging look.. Check out the Shop or drop John a PM to check what is available.. RetroBike does not pay for itself and JV has gone to a lot trouble to source this stuff so your support is appreciated !!
Just recieved the following from Billy Savage, the man behind Klunkerz - I'm setting up for the Hollywood screening of KLUNKERZ at the 600 seat Vine Street Theater on Saturday, June 30th at 5:00pm near the corner of Hollywood and Vine. The screening is in conjunction with The Bicycle Film Festival (see below) and it should be quite a gas. Gary Fisher, and other members of the cast, will be in attendance. As you may know, the film was nominated for Best Documentary and Emerging Filmmaker awards at the X-dance Awards, and it won Best Documentary at The Durango Independent Film Festival. The Bicycle Film Festival is an truly an amazing event. The festival's founder, Brendt Barbour, is a fantastic guy with quite a story. He was a...
In the first of a new feature RetroBikes's social secretary and resident crash merchant James 'Hilts' Freeborough caught up with Mike 'Ameybrook' Wilk to find out a little bit of background on one of the Retro brotherhood from the U.S. Personal profile Name - Mike Wilk RetroBike Alter Ego - Ameybrook Age - 27 JF - Hi Mike and thanks for being the Guinea Pig in the first of our 'RetroBike.co.uk' member profiles. MW - No problem. click JF - First off, why 'Ameybrook'??, you realise that you got some of our brood thinking we'd actually attracted a female member to the site, Jez was about to propose! MW - haha, 'Ameybrook' is the name of one of my favorite riding places back east [Ameybrook State Park, Henniker, NH]. When I...
Using archival footage, still photographs and interviews Billy Savage's film Klunkerz tells the story of the sport of mountain biking from those who were there. Some of the biggest names in the industry, as well as some more obscure characters recount the events that shaped the sport we know and love. The first screenings were to sell out crowds at the Mill Valley Film Festival. Check a review here as well as Charlie Kelly's words in the forum. Billy has sent retrobike a picture from the screeing - as you can there was quite a crowd! Picture courtesy of Wyro and Billy Savage. LtoR Top: Joe Breeze, Steve Potts, Tom Ritchey, Bob Burrowes, Otis Guy, Gary Fisher, Fred Wolf, Alan Bonds, Charlie Kelly, Russ Mahon Chris Lang, James...
October 21st sees the thirtieth anniversary of the first Repack race. To quote Repack Ride "October 21 of this year will mark the 30th anniversary of the day six friends decided to answer once and for all time who was the fastest dirt descender in the world. The contest took place on the hill they called "Repack," and apparently the question is still open. I have it on good authority that some of those same principals will show up on the site, possibly at 10:00 a.m., and I think I'll bring the clocks. Just in case. " More details in the forum.