Zinniness ...... lets build the dream, Project Flowers

It White.
Its Light
Its Got Flowers

And my cap is tipped.
Fantastic Job..x
Kind words gents, I don't think Jo has seen it but has heard of it ..... Something about stalkerish was mentioned 😄 it was well received at the malverns and I was proud to be its creator, it even got a mention on the GMBN YouTube channel which was cool.

How this didn’t get a top ten at the Malverns is beyond me!
I did have to laugh when someone said “I like that Mavic bike” though. Still chuckling like a little kid at that, truth be told!
How this didn’t get a top ten at the Malverns is beyond me!
I did have to laugh when someone said “I like that Mavic bike” though. Still chuckling like a little kid at that, truth be told!

I guess if you didn't get into mint sauce bitd you didn't get it like we did, I'm just happy you made me get it finished and take it along, it didn't need a prize to make me feel chuffed to show it to folk.