Zaskar re-issue !!!

gm1230126":3qo8h46r said:
delboy009":3qo8h46r said:
Hmmmm ... Beware my local bike shop has one - Quest in Worthing, Sussex !!! They are crap ! Total modern cheap thrown together whoopsie !! And I have good basis of comparison as I have a 92 Zask LE!! Well... I did as of today !! Sold it to a Frenchman on Ebay !! You may remember the mirror polished one on here just recently ?

Anyway, I think he's retailing at £499 but he can keep it considering I sold my entire bike with M900 XTR etc etc for £500 !!!

:cry: Miss it already !!! All that work :?

Don't go passing judgment on the Re-Issue frames so fast until you've either built one up or ridden one or both. They are damn nice frames.
I've seen them up close (have 2 in boxes sored away) and they are well built.

Im only passing judgement on the one that I HAVE seen in the flesh and its a wrong'n !!! For a start the most obvious cock up was looking from behind the post's welded for the canti's to fit on were welded one higher than the other !! Slightly mis-aligned !! Not Good !!

Dont get me wrong, I love these frames but was just hoping that they may have been NOS sitting around in GT's factory I guess !! ;)
And I suppose you put a micrometer on it to determine that.... or was it your misaligned eyes? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: The way they are jigged when built I'd say that's highly unlikely. Possible that one weld bead is a tad larger than the other but the actual brake post height position being different is not.
gm1230126":37a2frx6 said:
And I suppose you put a micrometer on it to determine that.... or was it your misaligned eyes? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: The way they are jigged when built I'd say that's highly unlikely. Possible that one weld bead is a tad larger than the other but the actual brake post height position being different is not.

No im deadly serious !! Even the owner of the shop noticed it !!! Its nothing to do with the fishscale weld its the actual post is set ever so slightly higher one side !! It is minimal but its annoying none the less !!

Please dont take it personal as its no dig at you I was just a little dissapointed as are a few others on this thread!! Maybe expecting too much !!

BITD the later disc mounted LE and race model frames were £999, so maybe not such bad value after all. On the other hand are they still made in the US or Taiwan? If the far East ,then not such good dosh, as you can get a decent Pace 305/Whyte 19/Tank/Commencal for a lot less.
Not a fan of the Polished and Billet finishes though, too shiey in the Sun and soon looked rough as the lacquer would soon chip and peel, always preferrd the Anodised finishes.