Your Worst eBay Bike Purchase?

The amount of frames I have bought, including headset, to then turn up with only the cups, or cups bearings but no fork race etc is just ridiculous.
I always assume they are trash anyway when buying, but just cos someone is lazy/stupid or just forgotton I now have spares for many a headset..
touch wood , never had many problems with ebay .

if it is cheap , there is a good reason for it . :LOL:
just landed a Zaskar frame with a 2.5" crack in the bottom of a chain stay. Seller did take it back a week ago and naturally he spent my money already so now I wait for his next payday.
bought a set of black ringle twisters, advertised "new".
NOT "new", they were shortened to fit a road bike! :evil:
I only did find out after a couple of weeks when I tried them on my aluminum bike. Obviously to short....
Sold them to a roadie for the same price :)
just one:
- cracked Coda Magic driveside crank ... Bay-area seller was a punk and reneged on return policy.

i've had a few other issues with items but sellers were always top notch.
worst ebay

I bought a purple Cook Bros crank from england and the seller said after I had bought it that it turns out shipping would be 25 pounds to the USA. I knew that was probably way off but I really wanted that crank so I agreed. WHen the package arrived the postage sticker said 6 pounds and it wasn't a purple crank at all but faded red.
I bought a pricey 1990 Klein that turned out to have broken shifter/brake lever, cracked seatpost, and missing skewer. When I mentioned this to the seller, he tried to find equivalent replacement parts, which I knew would be futile as they were hard to find in general. He talked to his friend, for whom he was selling the bike, and his friend said, "Tough, it's a used bike, what do you expect?"

I said, "You probably had a pretty good idea that this wasn't going to be going for $300. In the listing, you used the world, "beautiful", "one of the nicest Kleins in the country", your words not mine. I don't expect a cracked seatpost on a bike described as such." I threatened to give negative feedback. This guy nearly a 1000 feedbacks, all positive and I don't think he wanted to break his streak for something that wasn't even his. I did get $200 back I asked for, which was a fair price and if anything, undervalued, but it took more hassle than it should have.
Annodised Middleburn Chainset, looked lovely and was incredibly light but was unusable as it was so worn the chain slipped with the slightest pressure. Seller didn't agree and got very shirty to the point that I was scared so I did the honorable thing of posting -ve feedback and binning the crank.
Annodised Middleburn Chainset, looked lovely and was incredibly light but was unusable as it was so worn the chain slipped with the slightest pressure. Seller didn't agree and got very shirty to the point that I was scared so I did the honorable thing of posting -ve feedback and binning the crank.

could you not replace the rings?
I have some old hope hubs sold as working that are definitely not complete, and a hadley hub also sold as working with seized bearings.
On the plus side i have got some great deals like a ti frame for £200...