Your favourite owned bike and why?


Dirt Disciple
Which is your most precious / favourite bike in your collection and why?

Mine is a 1991 Kona Fire Mountain in blue.

Many of the parts on the bike came off my 1991 Kona Hahanna from when I was in school, the frame got dented and I kept all the parts.
The wheels came off my '97 Kona Lava Dome and I also had a few Joe Murray parts I had collected over the whole time, like a Mr Dirt tyre.

The frame is battered (from the previous owner) and I convined a mate to sell it to me with the forks one night in the pub for a few pints of beer.

The bike was built into a pub crawler before I wised up, settled down and serviced and maintained the bike up to its current point, which is that it rides as good as my brand new kona IMO.

It may not be pretty, it has its share of schoolboy scratches, but I love it and there is a lot of sentimental value to me because of the progression of the parts from bike to bike, but I also grew up friends with the lad who owned to frame and so I was always around it or riding it.

Sorry :oops:
mines is my 1989/90 raleigh massif :D it was my first mtb bitd . it's completly standard and original (apart from the rear tyre) it rides like none of my other bikes and makes me smile everytime i look at it
Mine would be my 1990 Clockwork that I got second hand in 1992. Was my second real MTB after my 1989 Tufftrax and I rode the wheels off that thing. For a 14 year old it was like high end exotica and I used to ride it with pride. :cool:
My Kilauea. None shall ever replace it- none could, it's the only bike in existence that I got to ride for the first time as a 13 year old coming from a BSO. That was a hell of an experience! :cool:
Geoff":2b8mevzr said:
That was a hell of an experience! :cool:

:LOL: i bet.

mine is my 93 khs montana pro. seriously lusted after it as a kid. bought a frame last year and its built close to factory spec now. rides like a dream. i loved it then and i love it now
My raleigh chipper :cool:
It was my first grown up bike [to me]
Damn i seriously loved that bike,even though it was falling to pieces and had no brakes :LOL:
brocklanders023":3q4elbww said:
Mine would be my 1990 Clockwork that I got second hand in 1992. Was my second real MTB after my 1989 Tufftrax and I rode the wheels off that thing. For a 14 year old it was like high end exotica and I used to ride it with pride. :cool:

My last 91 Clockwork rode great and fitted me like a glove, only realised this after i stripped and sold it :roll: , which is why i'm building another to keep.
My Kilauea ( cheers for selling me the frame and fork suburbanreuban! ). It re-set my karma to retro after 3 years in the modern wilderness with an allbeit lush old skool build 29er.
i love them all equally in different ways. ;)

yeah right! :LOL:

i'll have to get back to you on a proper answer if/when i finish all my projects! :p