You know it's cold when............

You know it's cold outside when...
The interior window handle in your hot kitchen almost freezes to your hand.
Minus 14C yesterday (including wind-chill). It felt much warmer - before the sun disappeared.
Well I am in Edinburgh at this moment, and am going to have some toast and beans then brave the slidy roads and go out on my new bike :)

Louise has been out and back and says it's bloody freezing super slippy and I am an idiot for planning on going out for a couple of hours on a bike.

Couple pic´s from todays ride.. only -12C :D




Ok here is cold.

Looking outside the back window and the thermometer (which is protected from the wind) reads -28. Then you look beyond and see the bare trees with icicles that are suspended parallel to the ground due to the 60km/hour winds bringing the temp to a balmy -40. You stick your head out the front door to feel the instant crisping of nose hairs and eyebrows and attempt to see the car through the massive steam fog blocking you vision coming from the cup of coffee in your hand. Suddenly you duck back in when you hear the phone ring. You see your cycling partner's name on the display and all you can think is "I have warm clothes, a balaclava and the forests don't get too much wind or snow when you're deep inside." You answer the phone with "I'm in" and grab your "winter helmet" that could never fit on your skull during summer months but fits nice and snug with a balaclava under it.

Jump in the truck with snow tires and use 4X4 to get over the massive hump of snow left at the bottom of the driveway by the snowplow. Listen to the engine rev at 5500 rpm as you cruise through the head on winds with wipers on high in an attempt to remove the frosted windshield cleaner from the windshield. Pull into the lot at 30mph in second gear at 7700 rpm with the steering wheel turned left in order to fishtail the rear end of the truck and create a massive wave of bright white freshness to be thrown all over your buddy who is out of his car and trying to get his bike set to go. (exit vehicle and laugh hysterically at your new friend Frosty the Snowman)

Once you have your bike pointed in the correct direction you fight through the wind while trying to decide if your glasses have fogged or if the winds have picked up. Enter the forest and notice that the temperature just rose to -31 because the winds are now "normal" and smile because the fun is now about to begin.

Notice the difference in snow accumulation between the driveway and the forest. Pics taken only a few hours apart.

Merry Christmas from "The Great White North"


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im jealous too...i love the snow and we get a drip or two here and thats all sniff...our winters are rubbish.....sulk. :shock:
Shamus - where do you live in Finland? We've visited Finland twice with our camper so I'm curious!