You are all bad, bad people........

Thanks all for your comments and suggestions.

Yes, the seat pin is in backwards and yes it was a triathlon position thing - though with hindsight I'm convinced it just hurt more and didn't give me any benefit at all.

The stem is original and very 'period' and the bike's got a very looong position.

Having considered the options and opinions I'm just going to restore it's dignity for now with some knobblies, black bars and turn the seat pin around, may get some photo's up tonight. However, if there's a reasonable chance that I can lay my hands on an original (or at least period) wheelset then I might try and go all the way later on.

Bit concerned about the canti's. I dug them out last night and apart from the levers feeling like they belong on a 'crosser I remember the revelation of being able to stop properly and reliably once I fitted the V's.

Anyhow, I'll put a 'wanted' post up later, but in the meantime if anyone has a pair of '90 / '91 XC Pro Greaseguard hubs and/or Specialized BX(?) 21 rims I might be a buyer !

Thanks again
fingers":1ya6f2kw said:
Isnt the CT seatpost in the wrong way round?

well spotted - and notice haw far r=fowards the saddle is fitted, most likley the frame was too big for the rider.

those control tech posts are expensive and stiff - have a central rib running lengthways .... even so, I managed to snap one!!