Yet another lava dome!!! (1994)

getting there - slowly!

proper non lethal front canti hanger arrived - I can now safely use the front brakes 👍

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though I must admit I'm still not sure on the whole canti thing - these keep calling to me and the rational side of my brain definitely approves :)

v brakes.jpg

I also kinda gave up on the whole 9 speed thumbies thing - mainly because it appears almost impossible to find a set of 9 speed microshift ones without essentially buying the bar end versions and then another small fortune on brackets to mount them. Just can't justify that expense given the whole build looks like it will be well north of half a grand already once wheels and tyres get sorted. So 20 quid on some 2nd hand rapid fires it is. Lucked out on this set off ebay, they look brand new:

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Which does mean the ugly zee and 10 speed cassette is now off and a lovely shiny M739 + XT 34T 9 speed is where it should be 😁


leather turned up for the saddle as well as a sewing kit - wish me luck!!

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Given the earlier musings on bar and stem choices, I also grabbed this for a tenner off bankrupt bike parts - just to try out something distinctly more cruisery and see what I feel before splashing more cash on a posher version from Nitto...Though these cheapo test bars might be a bit much!

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