Yet Another Ernie Clements Frame


Devout Dirtbag
Hi Guys. Not a regular poster here but been lurking for some time.

I've recently acquired a Clements frame and could do with a little expertise.

We've identified the lugs as Prugnat (or good reproduction), the tubing is Tange No.2 butted and the rear has vertical dropouts. What's baking my noodle is the downtube bosses.

Normally they are square with M5 thread


These are circular with a square extension forward in line with the downtube


Has anyone got any ideas which levers I can use? Nothing I've got fits, Campag, RSX, 6400,1056, Miche, Suntour Powershift, even some nondescript Huret from the 70s and Simplex.

I'm a bit snookered. Especially given the bosses aren't M5 thread, either . . .

I've emailed the Clements shop, has anyone any other suggestions? Over to you.
I've just been informed that these bosses are exclusive to Shimano AX and use a 4.5mm thread.

I'd appreciate any other wisdom . . .
iirc this was Shimano's attempt to break the campag style stranglehold and lasted about 2 years.

That frame is nothing like any Ernie Clements frame I have come across before. Looks classy from what I can see from the fork crown :)

Ernie had lots of frames in his ledbury shop he imported some simoncini frames. could be he badged some with clements.
More pics as and when ICBA to take them. BB is most definitely English.

Meanwhile, the pic from the bay . . .


Frame number begins M21 if that's any use to anyone.

. . .and some detail of the headtube & fork crown.


Just a thought here....
I agree with Carlrh. Clements were (are still?) UK agents for Simoncini. This could possibly be one of Simoncinis frames 'badged' as a Clements.
But the 'Made in England' headbadge/decal looks 'casual' (if not misleading) if it is.

I wouldn't count on any quick response from the current Ledbury operation.
Simoncini is in retirement mode currently, as is Clements seemingly.

Edward Clements and his shop are currently posting stuff on Facebook. and has posted some catalogue images for me today :)


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