XT Rapidfire shifter, not shifting.


Senior Retro Guru
I've got a set of XT shifters on the old P7, the finger and thumb type that sit under the bars. The bike has been up on the ceiling for ages since I fitted them, but today, during some routine maintenance, lo and behold, they won't pull the cable any more.
Took the cover off and the nut was finger loose, so tightened it but to no avail.

Any tips for repair? I've not stripped it down yet.

Pawls, first thing is to get a thin flat blade screwdriver (or similar proddy thing) and move the pawls a bit.
Spray them with WD40/GT85 etc to loosen them. Then lube them.
If that's not quite there then drop lube in from the top when out of the casing.
Dabs of light grease where you can to work in and where pawls rub and rotate a bit.

If that's not working, then take it all apart, clean and check and light grease everything.

Easy job.
These things are notorious for getting gummed up. As stated above, take apart, remove all old grease and relube.
I just continue to spray with WD40 until they work again. Sometimes it's 1 application, sometimes it's 10. I just know if I open em up I'll never get em back together again.
I’m in this camp! I leave a cable in, pull on that while trying to shift up/down alternating this with more squirts of wd40 or similar. I know some of you guys have way more skills for taking apart/repairing shifters but I think I’ve failed to get back together every set I’ve taken apart, at least not quite the same as they were before I started!