Senior Retro Guru
Ok, i have a problem here. I been looking in ebay to buy a XT 732/735 Front Derailleur for a new build which takes a 28.6 front. I have since purchased twice from ebay and both came to be 26.8 when it arrived. Both sellers listed them as 28.6 (size was not stamp on the derailleur) but i measure them at 26.8 when close fully. Recently i approached a 3rd ebayer which also listed his derailleur as 28.6. This time, i was clever and ask him to measure it and take a photo for me to confirm if its correct. Luckily i did as it turns out to be weird as well (refer to photo). My question is do they come in 28.6? According to the manual, the smallest is 28.00-28.6 but when measured it is 26.8! What am i missing here? Did anyone encountered this issue before, please kindly enlighten me. It is frustrating and im still trying to source for a correct one. TIA