Wanted X Lite L168 (115mm) Syncros 29.4 & Pace Renthal RC 130 Bars (fingers crossed)

All good things...

I will do, it's currently set up with mint condition 2009 era components which look like a weight weenies project (not my doing) but it's rideable and super-light/fun so until i can acquire the parts needed i'm happy hitting the Peak District in the sunshine.. I probably won't end up replacing every single component with absolute period correct... (excuse my foul language)... well at least until the novelty wears off or the grim weather sets in.
Yeah, famous last words there mate.

This time next year it'll be the frame and a whole host of new/old bits, I'm willing to bet!

This site and addiction go hand in hand.

Bike sounds good fun already tho! As long as there's a smile on your face, etc...
I can live with that, as long as it's not 6 more frames and a whole cellar full of bits..
Bumpin' it up for the weekend

This weeks special offer.. 'Find me an L168 and win a copy of BMX Bandits on DVD' watched only once!

It's "The Citizen Kane of BMX Movies" according to DVD Monthly


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