WTD: Campagnolo 8 speed Chorus or Record rear mech

Uncle Buk

Dirt Disciple
I am looking for a Campagnolo 8 speed Chorus or Record rear mech to finish off a recent period build - or an early (pre-2000?) 9 speed.

Ideally, as close to NOS as possible to match the rest of the gruppo, but I'd consider one with minimal marks too.

Best wishes,
I have a very nice-looking early period 9-speed chorus one missing jockeys. And a not-so nice looking Record one with some scuffs.

Any good to you?
Hello dbmtb - PM sent.

Many thanks Joe 1983 - I'll see how I get on with Chorus/Record for the moment, but if I'm struggling will certainly get back to you.

Cheers Kirky,
very kind of you to send the link. I'll see how I get on with Chorus/Record because I want a complete gruppo, if possible.

Athena would more likely be my next choice, as its the next gruppo.

Good luck with the Deltas - in fact, can you send me a photo?

Thanks again,