
Senior Retro Guru
Looking for an old B33 saddle if possible. Or one very like it.

Ive had one that was in a very sorry state for quite some time. I decided to give it a new lease of life on my ratty tuned up puch moped. And although its comfy. Occasionally bits try to fall off :oops:

Anyone got an untorn one kicking around? I dont even need the frame/guts as the leather could be stretched over my existing seat frame.

a b33 is like this:

And i know its not to everyones taste... But how it looks on my (AS yet unfinished) puch

Will consider similar saddles from brooks or other makes. The b33 is just more the style i want rahter than the exact model.
haha, Techno boss exhaust, 15MM carb with foam filter, 70cc Kit, 3 shoe clutch, 42 tooth sprocket..

Tis a little bit quicker than standard :cool:
Yeah bit steep new.. :cry:

Thought id try my luck finding a used one as it will be spending time chained up outside shops and things...
Is that an 'Ejector Seat' for the times when the brakes don't cope with the extra 'oomph'....!:LOL:

More 70's German retro, but in it's original 50cc guise, still a very good 'do'er. Have you 'found' Steve Goode at Welshpool ? top resource for Puch 'stuff'.

Haha, 4 speed you show-off :LOL: Thats a tasty bike... I like that alot :D

And yeah i had been led toward that steve goode before. But his site seems to be neglected in favour of the Beta / GASGAS stuff instead. Which is fair enough given that theres not much of a puch following over here...