Wrong time to sell?

I hope Derek knows eBay charges seller's fees and Doris points him in the right (Retrobike) direction...
I started looking for a CBR cranset back in 2021, there was/is one listed on ebay for $799 which equated to £545 back then, it was out of my price bracket, as the pound started to fall against the dollar the price increased to around £690 and spiked last week at £728, all the while the price is USD remained the same... it's currently £698

My point being.. the price of our bike parts in the US is peanuts with the buying power of the $$$ so make sure you tick GSP .. my last 4 ebay sales hung around for weeks, i revised listings, ticked GSP and they were sold to buyers in the states within a few days.

Gone are those heady 2008 days when i was getting almost 2 dollars to the pound :(

The price of Cooks has near-doubled here in the US in the past year. Actually, tripled. A year ago I'd say $300 was the average, extravagant, price on eBay. There's sets floating around in the $700-1000 range now.

Those sellers can absolutely do one.

And the buyers I want strung up somewhere.
I currently have 4 bikes I'm trying to sell. All of them would have sold within 2 weeks prior to COVID. In a couple days during COVID. And now a few people act interested or ask a few questions but no one wants to buy. I might just wait until March or April and try again.
Covid really showed how herd like humans are. I was genuinely astonished at how quickly bikes sold during lockdown. Owning one wasn't compulsory to get the one hour of exercise, but suddenly lots of people (including my neighbours) got the impression it was. I won't forget the smug grins on one family's faces - especially as the Dad gave my tatty old Marin a wry glance and pronounced it a classic.
Covid really showed how herd like humans are. I was genuinely astonished at how quickly bikes sold during lockdown. Owning one wasn't compulsory to get the one hour of exercise, but suddenly lots of people (including my neighbours) got the impression it was. I won't forget the smug grins on one family's faces - especially as the Dad gave my tatty old Marin a wry glance and pronounced it a classic.
As he swung a leg over his, brand new, Boardman?😆
It's always been wrong to sell.

Have you ever seen how unhappy hoarders become after their nest has been cleared? Embrace the tat, lather yourself in bearing grease, every time you think it's time to get rid, go to the skip and pull out a couple of projects.

And when people make comments, stand your ground - like this wee fella

Not necessarily. People get emotionally involved in the value. Take a quick look at eBay a true bikes which have been listed for years at silly prices as that’s the amount the owner has decided it’s worth.

Only 7 ? You need to get a wriggle on to make that a respectable retrobike number before the years out. 😉

Don’t get me wrong I’m waiting for anything coming up over winter but lockdown buyers are the worst. You are much better waiting for Derek and Doris being so skint that can’t turn the heating on so Derek is forced to sell his 1 owner Ti Merlin with M900’for this months bill

(I’m joking before anyone gets in a twist)

I’m not

You can have a good time at this site - https://betpokies.co.nz - it's not soccer, but it's fun too. I recommend it!
They are waiting for their bikes to become rarities or antiques, so they put a high price :D I've never understood why they have to put a high price on something that won't be bought. But at the same time, I've seen people buy the same product at a higher price on Amazon.

Hi all.
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