Wrong time to sell?

If you split/eBay it, hold out for an 80% off sellers fees offer to come through. I’ve started to get a box of bits ready/photographed for each time this comes around.
Hi. It has been my experience, when selling bikes and parts for several years.
That spring time into summer is good time to sell.I guess people get the itch to ride again or something.
I winter i buy more bikes at lower prices to sell in spring.Thats my experience.
Saying that, I put a Claud Butler Cape wrath on eBay this morning. 3hrs later it’s gone.
It was barely noticed on here.
We are on the cusp of a financial crisis, so many are rightly reluctant to part with their money, however, as any economist will tell you the best thing to do when racing towards a recession is to spend spend spend, but the key is to buy things that have value and will hold that value.

Buy things that people will need. If we have a crash like the one in 1929, and all the signs are pointing towards something on that scale, then money in the bank will not be worth the paper it's written on, or rather it will be worth exactly all of the gold that it's not backed by.

Banks die and money has a habit of inflating itself away, that is how they will attempt to navigate out of the mess they created. The world is full of people up to their ears in debt, things like cars will become simply untenable for most normal people, either because the payments can't be met or the fuel they need becomes too expensive, and that includes electricity for e-cars, which is already on the way to being more expensive than petrol at cost price, never mind the batteries which are already on the way to costing more than the rest of the car.

Bikes, and specifically robust, reliable, easy to maintain bikes and parts will soon be worth their weight in gold.

And that's how I explain to my Mrs why the garage, shed and back room are filled to the ceilings with them.
And if a 10-15 kg bike is worth it's weight in gold, we have bigger problems in society. They will come for your bikes if that comes to pass.

Practically everyone wanted a bike during covid, and while prices went up - they didn't go up quite that much. I can't see how demand would increase much further. My neighbours have take to leaving their lockdown bikes outside their house - free for anyone to take (which I would have done had they not been bike shaped objects).

Capitalism has proved surprisingly resilient over the decades. I think inflation will be the solution rather than crash. It adds up to the same though, it will be worth spending money on stuff people need to sell and that is useful.
I started looking for a CBR cranset back in 2021, there was/is one listed on ebay for $799 which equated to £545 back then, it was out of my price bracket, as the pound started to fall against the dollar the price increased to around £690 and spiked last week at £728, all the while the price is USD remained the same... it's currently £698

My point being.. the price of our bike parts in the US is peanuts with the buying power of the $$$ so make sure you tick GSP .. my last 4 ebay sales hung around for weeks, i revised listings, ticked GSP and they were sold to buyers in the states within a few days.

Gone are those heady 2008 days when i was getting almost 2 dollars to the pound :(

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