Would you return to your old company?

i returned to my present employer after a 6 year break
went back a wiser man ,going else where gives you a different perspective on it ,the other ways ,contacts etc work well

it's up to you though ultimately
Kind of done it in that I'm now effectively a contractor where I'd previously worked (a bit complicated to explain) - If my previous company were to offer me a position, I would seriously consider it. Other half also went back to her previous employer on a rolling three month contract, after an another job didn't work out. If they'd offered her a permanent role she would have most likely accepted it.

One important question to ask yourself is:

You left the original company for a reason. What has changed such that the reasons you left it are no longer an issue?
I left my company 5 years ago for more money +less commuting. That company was bought out and merged with another. Never really felt comfortable there, as it was very restrictive re: hours and idle time, so I'm now back at the place I had been with a decent pay raise......and I'm surfing Retrobike from work as I type. ;)
Better the devil you know than the devil you dont :roll:

Looks like I will be returning back to my old company shortly........
( after 5 months out of work)
To the newer, different, flagship showroom/branch

It beats having to go through the whole interview process again.

Time will tell :LOL:

iv'e done it will never do it again, was a smaller family run company i was with, when they asked me back they were full of promises but all the reasons i left in the first place just came back.in reality nothing had changed so after a year of abuse and bullying
i left (in a blaze of glory i might add while leaving my c*nt of a boss in tears!!)im now out that industry altogether because of my experiance there and all the better for it.
when im not working (hah! ....its not really work but hey ...i get paid for it) at schools in half term or holidays i still do building work for my old boss to make some spare cash.benefits of being multiskilled......so in my case yes i would...