would I be too big?

Spibblo":1mp7e88n said:
on the subject of frame sizes... I'm 5'10" as a guide 18 inch frame would be right for me. I'm looking at getting an Orange, their frames are 17 or 19" which would you recommend? cheers.

Try the 19" if you don't like it you'll know what to get.

So get to a retrobike meet get them to hopefully bring a 17" and 19" Orange of the frame you're looking fro and go test ride them.
As you've guessed, it so subjective. It depends on how that person is built, what they like to ride and if the frame is pink or black.
In the past I've had a clockwork and an ev02, both 19" frames. They were o'k but I had to fit shorter stems to get them to feel right. I'd always wondered if the 17 would have been better. I had a 20" GT for a short while too but that felt absolutely enormous. I now have a 17" clockwork frame on it's way! I'll let you know how I get on with it.

Been away from push bikes for about 7 years after a back injury. I'm now able to get back into mountain biking but after riding about on fairly big motorcycles for all those years, any bicycle is going to feel a bit small at first :?