Wot happened to fat bikes

In the words of British Rail...."The wrong kind of snow"🤣 Lots of fresh last night and not a great base underneath, so a few comedy fall offs and tweaked my wrist a bit🤨
Excellent fat biking and fat bikes.
Love it.
Actually the commitment to getting out in the cold suggests we can safely use Phat.
i just got mine back, i sold it a few years ago, i always liked it, thought it was a great winter bike, it's mostly gravel around me here, i find the fat bike good for this as the tyres have a bit of give to make it comfortable, no suspension to kill over the winter, no one expects speed out of you on a fat bike so it's like a much more casual riding experience.

here she is with fresh paint! fat1.webp
Yeah, my Pugsley is coming on for about 12 years old or so which makes it a worthwhile fad.
Up until last month it had always been Singlespeed as well.
What a fad 😎