Old School Grand Master
teamaker and i are pretty much the same way as far as people go,we are lucky as we live in the countryside so we dont bump into many walkers...if we see them coming we try to hind in hedges or abandoned mole for hobbies aside from the usual i took up archery over the summer again and got me a nice compound bow..sadly due to the folicular non hodkins lymphoma/chemo(also not curable either ...neithers aging so i get a two for one deal of suck) i have no oomph to ride(maybe next year as they say) so i tended to lurch and shiver/throw up around the house for 6 months..i too have just had the email suggesting i stay home for a i need to eat now and then i descend upon tesco to panic buy cheap tomato soup and stale crust to mix with me cold cup of tea(with no tea or hot water) we havent noticed any uptick on "walkers" in burgh castle admiring the sights yet so theres some thanks for all the rain we have had...