Wife knocked off bike, broken arm, how to proceed?


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PoTM Winner
Kona Fan
I am throwing this out there for suggestions, as we have little idea which way to approach this, so all comments welcome...

Last week on her commute, my wife was knocked from her bike whilst turning right into a side street (ironically, to take a quieter route to avoid a busy junction... Parrs Wood, for the Mancs among us)

As she turned right from the filter lane, a chap in a Micra pulled out of the same junction without seeing her, knocked her off and as she bounced off his bonnet to the ground, she broke her arm, which now as it transpires, needs pins and plates.

The driver was totally "stand up" about it, admitted that despite looking before pulling out he didn't see her, and apparently despite being visibly shaken, scooped her and the bike up and took her to A+E and waited for me to arrive so she wasn't on her own

At the time, Claire was pretty insistent that she didn't want to make an insurance claim or chase any compo, but now she needs an op, will be off work for several more weeks (nurse), and with the benefit of a bit more clarity, she is considering her options a bit

Question are however, as she carries no insurance as a cyclist, how do we proceed if we want to claim from his insurance? We have a witness who took photos etc, but have been stonewalled by a rather unhelpful secretary, and would ideally like to avoid any ambulance chasing no-win-no-fee compo hacks

I am just eternally grateful that she came through virtually unscathed, as on my way to meet her at A&E I came a cross a Ghost Bike, chained up to a railing. It was at that point I had to stop the car and take some time to compose myself... this could so easily have been a much different outcome

What would you guys do, and how should we go about it?

Chase the money. Broken limbs will never heal to be as good as they were and are likely to give problems later.

Similar situations with nicey nice drivers have ended up with them denykng everything when it come to making a claim.

You say she be off work, why should she end up out of pocket? What price is a ehole undamaged arm free frlm pain?

Go to bcf website to find out how to make a claim and for how much. Police should be informed if there is an injury.

Speedy recovery to the msses btw.
Contact your home insurers as soon as possible, most policies have some sort of legal aid type provision.
Falling that, hit up the CTC or BCF. They *may* be able to provide some help or advice even if you aren't a member.
Also, you must go to the police, an accident that has resulted in injury not being reported is a significant no-no.
Despite the driver being all nicey nicey, his insurers will be a bunch of shysters. You must get all the evidence you can written down as soon as possible so you don't forget in 18 months time when they are still dragging it out.

Also, have a Google on the LFGSS forum, there is a very good thread on there regarding what to do. Unfortunately, you've left it a week. You need to get on it now.

Easy answer - go and speak to a solicitor. A local solicitor. One who you may know or hopefully, one recommended by a family member. Solicitors will give advice on the best way to proceed.

If you look around forums etc. you will find all sorts of advice about this, DIY claims etc. If you are a solicitor, work away, if not - go to a solicitor. An analogy, you have a leaky pipe - would you phone an electrician? Unless you are a good DIYer, you get a plumber.

I hope this helps and all the best to your wife with her recovery,


Cyclist are not required to have insurance just like pedestrians.

Police and claim against their insurance as you would as a pedestrian.

I like the fact that you don't want to go to an ambulance-chasing lawyer. That is admirable, many others would do the opposite

However, the stonewalling secretary would make me think f##k it, I want to be reasonable about it, you're not being reasonable, so deal with a shark-lawyer instead.

The stonewalling secretary is just for the witness, not the driver...

Plate and pins op yesterday, finally... Poor sausage is feeling awful now
Time to lay it on a bit thick with the secretary - about the operation, off work, etc etc etc. Then she will realise it's serious and not a bit of whiplash ambulance chasing.

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