Why did you pick your username?

I think my user name was a variation of an email that I once had. I think the email account auto generated the email address. Now I wonder if I can change my user name?
My nickname comes... Almost 30 years ago, I was about to buy some cassettes in a small record shop and a weathered metalhead seeing me hesitating suggested to my 14 years old self giving a chance to Fear Factory's fresh album called Demanufacture, saying I wouldn't regret it- well I'm a hardcore fan of them ever since, so the geezer was kinda right. The german words next to ze bandname sounded funny also, what was I thinking🙄...
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My nickname comes... Almost 30 years ago, I was about to buy some cassettes in a small record shop and a weathered metalhead seeing me hesitating suggested to my 14 years old self giving a chance to Fear Factory's fresh album called Demanufacture, saying I wouldn't regret it- well I'm a hardcore fan of them ever since, so the geezer was kinda right. The german words next to ze bandname sounded funny also, what was I'm thinking🙄...
It’s a good album. Ahead of their time with remanufacture too.

Saw them in Glasgow as a student. Got the sh1t knocked out of me but back then they threw a hardcore gig so 🤷🏼‍♂️
Mine quite boringly has been my nickname for as long as I can remember... So well before the internet and forums were a thing... Was easier to use this one than think of another one! 🤦‍♂️