Why are mtb riders such wimps??

My parents used to be BW patrol on a local stretch of canal. They weren't there very often anyway, but they never told anyone off for cycling as far as I know!
It'd have to be a pretty anti-cycling patrol to do anything more than politely remind you of the rules and send you on your way.
I think I mentioned above that failure to comply with the terms of a right of way is trespass, not a crime. The landowner can take civil action against a trespasser, but they won't get anywhere if they call the police and ask them to book you.

If the owners of towpaths want to make rules or ask people to get cards, then it is only a courtesy to comply if you want to use the facility. But on the other hand, I don't see how they could enforce it if you didn't want to comply. If you were to cause an accident though, you would probably have committed a crime. Cycling safely and considerately is the key.

A landowner cannot rescind a right of way that exists in the definitive map maintained by the local authority. They can ask the local authority to abolish the right of way, but that would generally be agreed only where there is reliable evidence that the right of way has fallen into disuse over a long period. It would be very rare for a Rights of Way Committee to agree to an abolition (or reduction) of a right of way because the landowner complained that it was being abused.
I agree riding on the pavement is pointless if their is a road. I road ride alot on a road bike and I love it. I leave my mountain bike for off road riding.
In Detroit I prefer to ride on the sidewalks. They are simply just more fun to ride. We call them our urban singletracks. :)
Some extremely relic sidewalks in parts of Detroit too, gapping cracks, uneven grades, overgrowth, some pretty technical walkways. :p
They have recently installed bike paths on the roads in Detroit but we still prefer to ride our urban singletracks.
Of course we are extremely respectful to others and my post may sound immature but we do ride respectfully in the presence of others around us. The last thing I want is to make ATB enthusiast look bad!!
Whats funny though is how the pedestrians think bikers have the rights on the sidewalks. I will jump the curb into the street to go around people.