Why are mtb riders such wimps??

Interesting one this, I think a lot of it is down to perception of risk, people feel safer not playing with the traffic....

When I started cycling as a kid, you never cycled on the pavement, it was not the done thing, and the police would stop you if you did.

These days I see more and more people on the pavements, and it winds me up :(

Cyclists are road users in my book.
velomaniac":359582qo said:
Thing I dont understand is if your say a mountainbiker throwing yourself down the trails we ride is dangerous. On the road there are rules which if you observe then all is well and although it seems cars are out to get you at times facts are they're not, only nutters try to kill cyclists. Accidents will happen, getting hit by a car on the road or smashing headlong into a tree off road are equally serious.

Do the cyclists of today graduate through cycle profficiency as I did as a child. If not and it seems that way to me then thats an idea that needs resurrected.

I have cycled on and off road without incident since I was 5 and I'm now 41. I'm cautious, I ride within my skill level, I stay observant, my signals are clear, my presence is noted (lights, reflective kit) my bike is fit for purpose. Its not hard.

Pavements are for pedestrians roads are for vehicles which bikes most definitely are !


I cycle to and from work every day on the road. I ride aggressively in the middle of the lane which pisses some car drivers off but only the idiots as I always keep up with the traffic. Some car drives get upset if you keep up with them on a bike and feel the need to overtake and if they are being stupid about it I'll move over. I dont ride dangerously and always signal so don't give them reason to get angry but you still get people that only see other 4 wheeled vehicles and ignore cyclists.
problem also occurs because of the blurring of cycle paths and pavements. Some pavements are also cycle paths. Some people get confused or don't know how to tell the difference.
Last night I saw a mother beratting her child for riding off the pavement, (going on the pavement the wrong way round a roundabout)and straight across the road to get in the right lane............................. This might have been the right thing to do in normal circumstances, but seeing as it was dark and NEITHER of them had lights or reflective gear it seemed pretty pointless to me :roll:

Also a couple of weeks ago I was walking home and a lad came shooting past me on one of the damnable bl**dy scooter things, and at least had the sense to appologize. Next second a girl on a BMX with no brakes nearly smashed straight into the back of me, when I looked round she looked at me like I shouldn't have been on HER pavement. I just shrugged an walked on, as it is not worth saying anything to them now as you always seem to be in the wrong however wrong they are.

Yet in other parts of the town where we have cycle paths I see people still cycling on the road has the world gone mad or is it just me :?:
Jeeeeez......MTFU and ride on the road. That's where we're meant to be when not on the trails. Pavements are for pedestrians :roll:
kermitgreenkona88":3jq4gvsg said:
Also a couple of weeks ago I was walking home and a lad came shooting past me on one of the damnable bl**dy scooter things, and at least had the sense to appologize. Next second a girl on a BMX with no brakes nearly smashed straight into the back of me, when I looked round she looked at me like I shouldn't have been on HER pavement.

Maybe it's the Canadian in me, but I see nothing in the above examples a well placed elbow or shoulder wouldn't solve......or at least give pause for reflection.

Sorry, the hockey season's started here. We get kinda mental this time of year.
Do the cyclists of today graduate through cycle profficiency as I did as a child. If not and it seems that way to me then thats an idea that needs resurrected.

Pavements are for pedestrians roads are for vehicles which bikes most definitely are !

we are trying, but funding is difficult to find.

riding on the pavement is very dangerous, imagine hitting a toddler at even 5 miles an hour on a bike. shudder. there will always be the one about "i only ride on the pavement when its empty" rubbish. what if someone gets out a car, or steps out of their house? there is no defence for an adult to ride on the pavement. if more adults ride on the road, the more kids will too.
I don't. See an issue with it personally. As long as the rider isn't a dick.

I don't think it makes you a wimp to not want to ride in the traffic
mikee":2033ot1c said:
i hate riding on the road ,its far too dangerous
if i want to ride on the rode i'll do it on one of a selection of high powered motorcycles i own and not a bloody push bike

however when i do ride on the pavement with my bicycle i am always very curteous of other people

This is a joke, right?
FMJ 10 years ago I would have agreed with you, but now you even touch a child in this country you open yourself to all kinds of trouble. A mate of mine does cycling proficency over here and just moved a child from the roadside and was hauled over the coals. It has all gone mad over here :(