Who's Riding What, Where this weekend?


Retrobike Rider
Where you out to now Spring's here? (not that you'd think it looking out of the window right now) And what's taking you there?

Me - South Downs, Indy Fab / Yeti cx bike. (just for a change.. ;) )


legrandefromage":1e6tyzag said:
Sunday, Pickle's, roast din dins, project finishing.

might persuade him out for a random bimble

Weather looks like it should be dry, just depends how much we eat and drink! K's on with the tiffin for you ;)

Oh.....and theres a Karakoram that could be started.......... :LOL:

and an Avalanche AL

Pickle":7gs0eknn said:
legrandefromage":7gs0eknn said:
Sunday, Pickle's, roast din dins, project finishing.

might persuade him out for a random bimble

Weather looks like it should be dry, just depends how much we eat and drink! K's on with the tiffin for you ;)

Oh.....and theres a Karakoram that could be started.......... :LOL:

and an Avalanche AL


I'll bring 'stuff' then
Possibly Dalby Forrest, on either my retro Marin Team FRS or my modern Marin Wolf Ridge - depending upon what time my riding buddy turns up, and what the weather is like (if raining newer bike will be out). Or it will be the local woods and bridlepaths as he is always late and Dalby can be well over an hour away if the traffic is bad.

Time is limited, we have both managed to get a free afternoon away from our wives and kids so don't want to waste too much time travelling.
The Dawes is being rolled out to Wales in the morning where it's going to terrorise the new spring lambs and turf up the trails :twisted:
School mountain bike club on Saturday morning. I go along as a 'reponsible adult' haha.
Both going on oldies - Hardrock and Muddy Fox. Probably end up Chobham Common.
Sunday probably moderns, Swinley Forest or maybe somewhere new.
I'm working as usual on saturday but heading out locally with a few other lincolnshire retrobikers on sunday morning. Either taking khs if i get chance to fit a wider bar or the stumpy fsr if i'm feeling delicate from saturday night.