The Scottish parliament is markedly more democratic than Westminster. Given it offers a degree of proportional representation.
"..then theres the one party totalitarian state that is the SNP - we're a piss tiny island, do they not realise how odd it looks to the outside world that such a teeny island should be practically at war with its self?"
I would suggest we, as a country, are outward looking enough and engaged to realise our fight for independence is seen in terms of many such historical battles for self determination. Unusually, in our case, we are merely wishing to return to a position we took not so long ago, and opted to relinquish at that time.
The constant argument that is the two party system prevalent at Westminster is viewed more in line with your words, given the adversarial nature of the Commons and the division caused by the polarisation of views encouraged in a whipped system. Very much an ongoing, ever destructive, civil war.
It is bizarre indeed, that the huge number of people who will vote Labour this time round may end up having no reflection in power. Again, vital issues such as our health system and defence arrangements shall be left to the whims of transient ministers who may or may not understand the need for long term views. In the case of the former they most likely won't have the chance to see through any good plans they make. In the latter case they may do untold damage.
It would improve matters to at least insist that major changes in matters like the NHS and such should require greater consensus.
The Tories May well win, but the public is clearly not desirous of the further dismantling of the NHS, so shouldn't such important bedrocks of our society be protected somewhat from the vagaries of political football?