Who rides in Haldon?


Retrobike Rider
PoTY Winner
Gold Trader
Got two days there next week with the girlfriend.
Have done the red run quite a few times and I know they have built a new trail there, but was hoping to have an explore of the unmarked trails. Anyone know the area and fancy giving me some hints?
Also anywhere else in exeter area I should check out? Thanks a lot.
The top section of the Red Run (The rock causeways bit) was closed on Monday 26th to make way for the new 'Ridge Ride' trail that has been built - however the new trail does not open until Thursday 29th so there are no official technical trails open on Haldon until the 29th --
http://www.forestry.gov.uk/website/ourw ... deRevealed

There are many trails on Woodbury Common which is based just outside Exeter - best place to park is either the Four Firs Carpark or Woodbury Castle carpark - then just go and explore! ;)
Yeah i saw they were closing some of it. Hopefully the red run will be included in the new trail had heard there were some good unmarked trails there also. I'll be there from monday next week so will give feedback on the new route.
The only part of the old Red Run (Freer Ride) that is being used is the berms section that starts from the old freeride area (now closed). All other parts of the original red run are being closed and 'given back' to nature...... :cry:

The new trail is good....but it is nowhere near as good as the original red run - to be honest it is going a bit far to class the new one as a red -- more like a high level blue. It is definately worth a try for a few laps though.

You are correct - there are many other 'unofficial' trails of differing grades; some ride well in all conditions - some are very 'challenging' when wet :shock: - Just be careful, the FC are getting jumpy and there have been murmurs of them closing anything 'unofficial' :cry:
I'll get bored pretty quick if its not as good as the red run. I like the technical bits
There were a few natural trails around Haldon that were fully detailed in the exmtb.co.uk site, so I just bookmarked them...now the site is no more and I'll be bu**ered if I can find any reference to the rides now on the embc.co.uk site.
Never mind, theres bound to be a fair few people who ride these routes still - I'm sure one of the guys at Hot Pursuits would be able to help out.
Will be taking my Buckshot Pro to Haldon Centre soon to link up the three current trails inc the ridge trail, should be about 11.5 miles, good enough to stretch the legs..and the promise of tea & fine cake afterwards!