Who needs FS?

We stocked the Epic when it 1st came out, but to be fair a bike with an inertia valve is acting as a hardtail and an full suss, so best of both worlds on the trail really :D a union of the 2 you might say.
I think that version of the Epic was slated a bit, and the 'brain' was a bit ponderous. I do believe Specialized developed it considerably though in subsequent versions.

What I always find amusing about these threads is that very rarely will someone/anyone take into account the other variables that would justify peoples choices. Skill level, fitness, where they ride, where they intend to ride, how long they intend to ride for, how fast they want to go, how rad they want to be etc.
greenstiles":2k7aq9wj said:
We stocked the Epic when it 1st came out, but to be fair a bike with an inertia valve is acting as a hardtail and an full suss, so best of both worlds on the trail really :D a union of the 2 you might say.

Yes I agree but i feel the whole Inertia valve thing is a engineering fix for poor design , my Proflex's ride that way after setting up both front and back suspension I don’t really feel is there in any negatives they both ride like rigid s but without the bumpiness and with better braking,

Red bull have won the F1word championships again despite having the 3rd fastest car and IMO the 3rd fastest driver the reason they have won for the last 3 years is they have had the best handling car ,
Yes 1st ones could be caught out if ridding certain things....but the later designs we saw over the years got better....i like them :D
? a full susser is a full susser, whatever options you have on it to limit bounce.

A hardtail only has the rider's body to make it fully active.
webba":48bdwze3 said:
Red bull have won the F1word championships again despite having the 3rd fastest car and IMO the 3rd fastest driver the reason they have won for the last 3 years is they have had the best handling car ,

Interesting way to look at it, being that the best handling car is ultimately the fastest car whatever way you look at it.
Get a room

I looked at the original post, watched the vid, some really nice trails, overall nice vid and good to see it on some hardtails for a change.
Then I read page one with you two guys going back and forth, skip straight to page 6, and your still going :LOL:
Go for a ride and clear your heads :roll:

Thanks for the advice.

How about I ride and argue the toss on here?

Seems there is room for both?

Only around half my posts in this thread are in response to Greenstiles, it is not like the thread is all us two.

Those cows are not small, they are just far away.

I reckon it will be a while before one's posting habits on an internet message board replace the standard psychiatric tests, unless you are suggesting what is being said betrays a lack of clarity of thought? Perhaps you imagine two restless souls with twisted frowns sat pencil in hand, waiting for the next provocation to scribble down more vitriolic diatribe with no real mind to the theme?

Could it not equally be possible for two individuals to be happily and lucidly keen on putting their thoughts on something to paper; throwing them into the collective cauldron of thought-putting-to-paper that we have here emergent in the form of an internet message board about bikes?

If not here, then where?

I would imagine you have an opinion on the subject of the debate going on as well as the act of debating itself; what made you decide against offering it up? After all, consensus politics works none too well when those with knowledge and experience of matters resort to the "Bah! Humbug!" position.


Clearly, you have read far too much into my light hearted post.
I also never suggested for a minute anything about anyones mental state or mentioned or alluded to vitriolic statements.
After noticing the way it was heading on page one there was a reason I skipped straight to page six ;)
It was a comment on what I had noticed about the thread and my opinion on the vid is given.
No offence was intended to yourself or greenstiles.

Just poetic license dude!

I was just amused at the idea of someone sitting waiting for a post to appear in order to hammer back their counter.

You used to get it a lot in the local papers, a couple of people every week throwing in a letter addressing one from their nemesis.

Fact is the suspension debate is one of the constant themes on this site, and many others.

I personally find it interesting, but I do admit being rather verbose on the matter and most others.

Fast fingers, slow mind!


Settle an argument.

Is a thirty foot ladder extended to twenty feet a twenty foot ladder, a thirty foot ladder or both?

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