Who has the most patches on their tubes then?


Retro Guru
I used to have a limit of about 10 before binning a tube. That has crept up to about 15 now. But why have a limit at all?
:LOL: just mended a flat the other day, thought it was a new tube but it had about 5 patches on it. I can see i still have room for a few more though :)
Just used 3 on one tube. But at about £25 a tube and patches at about £8 for 3 i'm not going to throw away just yet.
Two rear tubes, each with 20 patches now after today. My current isolation ride, of about 2 hrs uses an old railway line and canal path. Both extensively cut recently, hence all the punctures. No point on putting in a new tube until the route clears a bit. Get between one and four each ride at moment, but not had to patch during the ride - usually find the flats each morning before the next ride.

Only 5 patches on the front, so at a ratio of 1:4, the rear is clearly much more prone. presumably the weight, and it being driven forces the thorns in more efficiently on rear.
Wow. I didn't know people still patch tubes.

I've been running Slime tubes for so long - normally inside semi-protected tyres - that "just keep pumping until it holds pressure" has become a way of life, and I change tubes if I get a puncture I can't get to stay resealed. Although I need to rethink now as the pair of Pioneer Classics my wifey and I have just got can't run Schrader valve tubes, so slime isn't an option.

Is there a particular brand of patches that really works well? I remember trying it in the 90s when I started riding decent distances and having little luck...
my limit was when patches went over patches.
Now I've binned most recently as they only cost a few quid, in fact the last lot I bought where 99p for some lightweight ones from PlanetX, note though I will probably won't buy them again even though they are nice and light and by Vittoria/Geax... since the valves are shite, if shite gassed all its air through it.

I buy patches by the 100. On my third batch, over a couple of decades. Have used c-cure-c and rema brands with no issues. Latest batch of 100 plus glue was £11, so about 10p a patch. I buy Continental Mtb light or supersonic when i spot them at about £8. Find they grip the hawthorn tight enough to usually stay sealed for most of the day, so rarely fix punctures out on a ride. Last week had 6 thorns in, with no significant leak on the ride. Doesn’t bother me fixing the punctures the following morning.
The reason i have doggedly persevered with patches, is to keep rotating mass as low as practical. Light tube, light folding tyre on light disc rims, giving less rotating mass to accelerate. I feel that reducing rotating mass is a cheaper and more effective benefit than reducing component weight.