Who got out and about today?

No where the slightest exciting, but I got to keep the annual mileage target in sight as the weather worsens!

Bit late posting but these are from Friday when I ventured out. All the pics are from the part of the NCR 1 that goes through Boulmer village in Northumberland. Hope they come out as I'm using my Windows SkyDrive folder we'll c!


Boulmer Beach


Metal bird sculpture by the side of the route


On the Boulmer Steel with Dunstanburgh Castle in the background


Looking towards Low Stead Farm beach


Back towards Boulmer beach from Boulmer Steel

Was pretty hard work and unusual riding but good fun nonetheless.
Cheers for that Mikee.

The Dale usually has the slicks on it for commuting so it was a treat to get out and give it some with big knobbly tyres (well compared to slicks anyway) :shock:

I would have used the Alpinestar but for 2 reasons:

1. Still having bloody trouble setting up the gears
2. Taking pics of a white bike in a white surrounding doesn't make for much contrast! :cool:

Off to Edinburgh 2mrrw on the train, office outing- that should be fun!!!!
Went out today and did about 5 or 6 miles but felt like 50 or 60. Found lots of virgin snow, mostly completely unrideable due to being at least 18 inches of powder with ice under than. Hit the road for the journey home and came off 6 times. Didn't notice till i got home that my front qr has worked lose.
singlespeeded it 13 miles to work today on the Karate Monkey :shock: bit bored of spinning now :LOL: