Whiskey ?

Not Skunk ? Well the vendor when he saw the state of my ex was insistant I give her vitamin C, which I did and that improved matters, but the police got to know quite a lot about the vendor because it was revealed he did it for a laugh along with my ex step son. I never found out what that stuff was, but it killed my trust of grass and I have never imbibed since.

Spirits I tend to keep clear of, it is not my usual tipple and the closest I go to stronger stuff these days is a good rough red wine, the rougher the better and with that Spanish and Bulgarian is to my taste and particularly the cabernet grape varieties.

But is it an age thing, I just don't seem to be able to drink what I used to and even with some 5% ales, I have to keep clear.
Vit c is taken to help comedown from acid from my memories. I don't smoke so much now , but when I did, it was only ever 'skunk' that was available. I always treated it the same as I would were I drinking spirits versus beer and have never had any undesired effects.
Acid, that used to be instant dismissal if one had admitted they think they had been spiked with it in the Armed Forces and I understand for very good reason given one incident that was used to scare us regarding a live armed guard and a psychotic flashback. But what would explain an ex drug user having such a bad effect from the stuff and myself with no experience of recreational drugs beyond an occasional puff seeing bloody dragons in caves above the cloud base and snapping into action clear headed when I saw my ex was ill ?

Mind the anti depressants I was on for four years didn't work either, all they did was stuff up my digestion.
The only time I ever had a reaction like that to something (no hallucinations) was when some joker passed around a spliff with heroin in it. He regretted that.
:roll: Stop reading so much into EVERYTHING! :roll:

You'll drive yourself mad, and take us lot here and everone around you along for the ride

Go for a ride, and chill the ffkk out

Skunk is pretty strong if you arent used to it.... Ive rarely touched it for 2 years now, having smoked it everyday for around 15 years, and it wipes me out in minutes.... no thanks. HOWEVER, its not uncommon to snap back to reality if needed, like the time at Le Mans when my buddy got head to waist burns from an exploding kettle.....

Isn't whisky supposed to go with ginger wine.

My husband used to smoke cannabis in his 20's and used to suffer really badly from paranoia to the extent that going out was frightening for him, then a friend got him off smoking and into cycling he's never looked back.

That would be a whiskey Mac. :)

The smaller amount but greater concentration coupled with the fact it's not something you partake of will mean your unaware of its strength and effect on you till it's happened.

with me i can have 2 or 3 pints and get a beer buzz, know i cna have another 2 and be ok (i.e not ill, hungover or an arsey drunk) chuck in a whiskey after pint no 3 and i'd have to call it a day as i'd loose track >< . plus nowadays neat whiskey makes me feel ill :(
cycling saved me ......drugs and booze.. 20 years ago now......went teetotal for 7 years.... Have the odd drink now but hate the drunk feeling so don't get drunk.

I like whiskey with a dash of maple syrup swirled in........try it, it's like an instant wiskey liqueur
greenstiles":1kv1dulh said:
I like whiskey with a dash of maple syrup swirled in........try it, it's like an instant wiskey liqueur

Oh shit, I hope I make it to work tomorrow :LOL: