Whiskey ?


Senior Retro Guru
Why is it one drinks beer and they know their limit because beer lets you know, but with whiskey things are very different, that insidious spirit has a delayed reaction, good to drink and one is okay, but much later after the drink has gone away the legless appears as if by magic.

Now I don't drink it often, not if I can help it, given my reaction to it, but a pal brought a bottle around and I just had to partake, I mean it would have been rude not to.

But what is it about that stuff that creates a delayed reaction ?
It is the same as most harder drinks, as you are taking a greater concentration before the effects hit.

A little like smoking skunk.

We have a tradition here of attempting to maintain a sober demeanour as long as possible. It always fails spectacularly!

Skunk I think I had that once, well at least I think it was skunk, I saw dragons living in caves in mountains up above the cloud base. The ex saw demons and ended up chucking up all over the new carpet where I was totally fine and she was an ex user of all sorts.

That was the last time I had any of that stuff or anything softer, my grass days were finished and of those days it was only three weeks anyway, but enough to know I don't need it.

But Whiskey, I will stick to beer or red wine.
silverclaws":3mcoxjc1 said:
Skunk I think I had that once, well at least I think it was skunk, I saw dragons living in caves in mountains up above the cloud base. The ex saw demons and ended up chucking up all over the new carpet where I was totally fine and she was an ex user of all sorts..

you sure that was just the skunk?
after 20+ years of not having drink or drugs, i can honestly say i don't miss any of them. a decision which changed my life for the better.
although i did have some interesting experiences with weed.
i could never stomach whiskey.
and ale just got me depressed and angry.
now i just thrive off endorphins & ceratonin.
I think some people, who are openly of a particular and specific mental persuasion/condition/sensitivity, should realise the potential effects of stimulants and chemicals upon their health/character/condition.....

....while I am NOT talking about anyone in particular here, I AM making reference to myself, and my selfish indulgences over the past 20 years... however lessons learned by others and all that :roll:

The ex saw demons and ended up chucking up all over the new carpet where I was totally fine and she was an ex user of all sorts.
sylus":2lrqdznp said:
silverclaws":2lrqdznp said:
Skunk I think I had that once, well at least I think it was skunk, I saw dragons living in caves in mountains up above the cloud base. The ex saw demons and ended up chucking up all over the new carpet where I was totally fine and she was an ex user of all sorts..

you sure that was just the skunk?

haha thats exactly what i was thinking...it just sent me to sleep.
I think carbon dioxide helps alcohol enter your blood stream quicker....so wiskey being flat takes a while to hit........next time try it with a mixer to see if it affects you quicker ?.........then you will know if there is any difference....

...but i would like to add i don't advocate you drinking and if you choose to do so, please keep to the government recomended guide lines and drink responsibly.
greenstiles":5sg9gn57 said:
I think carbon dioxide helps alcohol enter your blood stream quicker....so wiskey being flat takes a while to hit........next time try it with a mixer to see if it affects you quicker ?
Roger O. Thornhill":5sg9gn57 said:
No. No, Mother, I have not been drinking. No. No. These two men, they poured a whole bottle of bourbon into me. No, they didn't give me a chaser.