Which one of these three frames would you keep??

And our winner is.....

JeRkY":54g5yubq said:
Keep the Landshark, the Klein will probably fetch you more money and when the time comes you will be able to buy another one. The Land shark is a one off.

Kleins and Mojos are common as muck, Landsharks... proper retro rarities, especially that one.
I'd keep both the Mojo and the Landshark (if possible) but certainly sell the Klein.
But then I would say that.

If only one? Then keep the Mojo :cool:
Keep the Mojo, it is a proper bike. It is made out of the material proper bikes should be made out of and in the manner of proper bikes has no bouncy bits. The Klein fails as it is made from old coke cans, the Land Shark whilst is made from the material of proper bikes has a bouncy rear end.
agreed with majority… ditch the Klein.

the Ibis is built and you know how it rides. The Landshark paintwork is a keeper all on it's own.
If you are attached to them, then I'd try and keep them as long as you can without selling and try to save in other parts of life where possible.

Yes they may take a while to complete, but holding onto them isn't really costing you much (if anything).

Maybe look at the budget and cut out unecessary expenses and take advantage of friends and grandparents who want to buy and offload stuff for the newborn.

Anyway i think selling any of them is only short term gain especially if there is emotional attachment and you're likely to buy something similar again.
I think you should design a crib that incorporates 3 frames :D

Psychle":3nmg89py said:
So.... thought I'd throw it out to the STW massive for their views (and I know plenty of you are going to say 'sell 'em all!'

This isn't STW ;)
I was in the same position when my boys were born. i sold stuff which now i miss/ bought back.

Slee the Klein, gotta keep the ibis and the land shark. very rare and in a few years time you can buy a klien.