Which Claud is my Claud?


From what I can see in the pics I would guess mid 60s Holdsworthy.
The Holdsworthy Company had Freddy Grubb as their lower price range, CB were mid range, and Holdsworth the top.

Holdsworthy standardised the designs for Grubb and Butler to keep prices down.
Data for frame numbers can only be built up from owners of known aged bikes. When a company packs up paper records generally would be dumped by whatever new owner occupies the building.

There is some painstaking collection on here if you search.

If you join the V-CC you can get advice from the Marque Enthusiast for CB's.
In my view, well worth joining and supporting the very active research/library facility. The bonus for those in Britain would be the rides program. Sadly too far for me.

Just had a look at my 1964 CB catalogue and judging by the front lugs it could be to Challenge model.This frame was available in six clours including electric blue . The frame was 531 tubing and built with continental style lugs.
I can e mail you a copy if you would like one .

Hmm... the same lugs could of been used on the Coureur and Super Courreur models of the same year. Difficult to tell from the catalogue pictures .
Thanks bagpuss, yes, by all means send me the copy.
And I followed Big Blocks' advice and joined the V-CC. I have another old Claud dated (by the serial number) 1953, which I think is a Jubilee model, so I may be able to get a definitive opinion on that one too! :p
It is certainly a lovely frameset and should build up very nicely.
I noticed the earlier post asking if it could be a Electron five, I have an Electron Five in the loft and this is easily a good few notches up the quality scale from an Electron. Electrons were fairly base models from memory.
